February 19, 2015
37th Day of Session
Introductory Senate Bills No. 37
SB 784
Senator Conway |
Rules |
Labor and Employment - Discrimination Based on Engagement in Lawful Activities - Prohibition
SB 785
Senator Conway |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - St. Elizabeth School Indoor Playground
SB 786
Senator Conway |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - League for People With Disabilities Building Expansion
SB 787
Senator Reilly |
Rules |
Drivers' Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operators' Permits - Enhanced Identification Documents
SB 788
Senator Eckardt |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Caroline County - Mt. Calvary United Methodist Church
SB 789
Senator Muse |
Rules |
Sales and Use Tax - Exemption - Nonprofit Organizations Authorized to Perform Auxiliary Library Services
SB 790
Senator Muse |
Rules |
Vehicle Laws - Right-of-Way Violations - Death or Serious Bodily Injury - Penalties
SB 791
Senator McFadden |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Great Blacks in Wax Museum Expansion
SB 792
Senator Astle |
Rules |
Public Health - Nondiscrimination in Access to Anatomical Gifts and Organ Transplantation
SB 793
Senator Middleton |
Rules |
State Personnel - Automatic Step Increases - Standard Pay Plan
SB 794
Senator Serafini |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Washington County - The Maryland Theatre
SB 795
Senator Astle |
Rules |
Health Care Facilities - Cost of Residents' Care - Determination and Payment of Funds
SB 796
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
Rules |
Public Health - Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program - Expansion of Eligibility and Services - Pharmaceutical Rebate Coverage
SB 797
Senator Peters |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Prince George's County - Champ House
SB 798
Senator Mathias |
Rules |
Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Annual Production Limit for Micro-Breweries
SB 799
Senator Mathias |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Wicomico County - Tri-County Council Multi-Purpose Center
SB 800
Senator Brochin |
Rules |
Maryland Transit Administration - Audio Recordings - Requirements and Limitations
SB 801
Senator Serafini |
Rules |
Natural Resources - Black Fly Management and Control - Washington County
SB 802
Senator Cassilly |
Rules |
State Highway Administration - Dedication of Structures - Gold Star Families (Hero's Highway Act)
SB 803
Senator Astle |
Rules |
Health Insurance - Nonpreferred Providers - Assignment of Benefits, Reimbursement, and Fraudulent Insurance Acts
SB 804
Senator Ferguson |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Port Discovery Children's Museum Renovation Project
SB 805
Senator Ferguson |
Rules |
Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore City - Cherry Hill Early Head Start
SB 806
Senator Simonaire |
Rules |
State Board of Education - High School Assessment - Government
Distribution Date: February 18, 2015
Third Reading Date: February 19, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 9 (General Senate Bills)
SB 5
Senator Bates |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Election Law - Canvass of Votes - Public Observation
SB 20
Senator Hershey |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Kent County - Board of Elections - Membership
SB 30
Senator Peters |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation - Award of Contracts
SB 38
Senator Mathias |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C Licenses - Clubs
SB 51
Senator Serafini |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Commission on African American History and Culture - Duties
SB 83
Senator Simonaire |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Department of Natural Resources - Vibrio Notice Regulations
SB 106
Senator Astle |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Chesapeake Bay Trust - Investment Options - Expansion
SB 108
Senator Conway |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
State Finance and Procurement - Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals - Membership
SB 133
Senator Edwards |
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs |
Environment - Bay Restoration Fund - Use of Funds
Distribution Date: February 18, 2015
Third Reading Date: February 19, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 10 (General Senate Bills)
SB 12
Senator DeGrange |
Judicial Proceedings |
Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect - Expungement of Reports and Records - Time Period
SB 44
Senator Edwards |
Judicial Proceedings |
Vehicle Laws - Maximum Speed Limits on Highways
SB 60
Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Clerks of the Circuit Courts - Collection of Appearance Fees
SB 61
Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Active Armed Forces Member - Exemption From Payment of Fees for Certain Court Records
SB 62
Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Clerks of the Circuit Courts - Water and Sewer Lien Registers - Fees
SB 67
Senator Lee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Crime of Violence - Home Invasion
SB 87
Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee |
Judicial Proceedings |
Criminal Procedure - Transfer to Juvenile Court - Petition for Expungement
SB 124
Senator Gladden |
Judicial Proceedings |
Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists
Distribution Date: February 18, 2015
Third Reading Date: February 19, 2015
Senate Third Reading Calendar No. 11 (General Senate Bills)
SB 76
Senator Peters |
Budget and Taxation |
State Retirement and Pension System - Noncontributory Pension Benefit - Definition
SB 116
(Emergency Bill) |
Senator Pugh |
Budget and Taxation |
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2013 and 2014 - Baltimore City - Skatepark of Baltimore at Roosevelt Park
SB 122
(Emergency Bill) |
Senator Eckardt |
Finance |
Public Health - Regulation of Milk Products - Revisions
SB 148
Senator Klausmeier |
Finance |
Office of Cemetery Oversight - Preneed Burial Contracts - Report Submission Requirement
SB 157
Senator Nathan-Pulliam |
Finance |
Consultation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental and Emotional Disorders - Consent by Minors
SB 177
Senator Kasemeyer |
Budget and Taxation |
Estate Tax - Filing of Tax Returns
SB 178
Senator Kasemeyer |
Budget and Taxation |
Estate Tax - Alternative Payment Schedule - Penalty Prohibition
SB 186
Senator McFadden |
Budget and Taxation |
Baltimore City - Residential Retention Property Tax Credit - Modification
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