Floor Actions
Senate Proceedings No. 57
Agenda |
Convened 11:03 A.M., Legislative Day 3/28/16, Calendar Day 4/01/16
Adjourned 12:52 p.m., until Apr 4, 2016 at 8:00 P.M. (Legislative Day 3/29) - Journalized
Attendance Quorum: 45
Message from the House - Concurrence Calendar #8
- SB 587
- Senate Refuses to Concur - House Amendments
- Senate Requests House Recede
Message from the House - Concurrence Calendar #7
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #70
Resolution: World War II 100th Infantry Battalion 442nd Regimental
Combat Team and Military Intelligence Service, the World
War II Japanese American Veterans Adopted (45-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #12
Consent Calendar #8
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #13
Committee Report #38 Finance
- SB 921
- Favorable with Amendments {457976/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Middleton) Adopted
- SB 1009
- Favorable with Amendments {567879/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Ready) Adopted
Committee Report #39 Finance
- HB 689
- Favorable
- Motion Special Order until 4/4 (Senator Ready) Adopted
Committee Report #22 Judicial Proceedings
- SB 934
- Favorable with Amendments {288577/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Feldman) Adopted
- SB 935
- Favorable with Amendments {218072/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Feldman) Adopted
- SB 1167
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #29 Budget and Taxation
Committee Report #28 Budget and Taxation
- HB 285
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #8 Senate Rules
- HB 671
- Re-referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
Committee Report #47 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 57
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 788
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 799
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1024
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1101
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1527
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #36 Finance
- HB 60
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 131
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 523
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 639
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 718
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #37 Finance
- HB 803
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1144
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1150
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1303
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1503
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #23 Judicial Proceedings
- HB 98
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 312
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #25 Judicial Proceedings
Consent Calendar #53
- HB 9
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 121
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 148
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 155
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 157
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 237
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 245
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 246
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 314
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 354
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 357
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 358
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 384
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 493
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #26 Judicial Proceedings
Consent Calendar #54
- HB 534
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 541
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 659
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 785
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 786
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 805
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 832
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 855
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 871
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 890
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 922
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 960
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1092
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1180
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #24 Judicial Proceedings
- HB 636
- Favorable with Amendments {708979/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Jennings) Adopted
- HB 637
- Favorable with Amendments {488177/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Jennings) Adopted
- HB 675
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Special Order Calendar #45
- SB 262
- Favorable with Amendments {238074/1
- Motion Special Order until 4/5 (Senator Zirkin) Adopted
Executive Nominations Committee Report #6 with the exception of nominees #6 through #10, and
#S-17 Adopted (45-0)
Nominees #6 through #10
Motion Special Order until 4/5 (Senator Raskin) Adopted
Nominee #S-17 Adopted (44-0)
Message from the House - Concurrence Calendar #9
Quorum: 44
Adjourned 12:52 p.m., until Apr 4, 2016 at 8:00 P.M. (Legislative Day 3/29)
Agenda |
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Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions |
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