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Floor Actions

House Proceedings No. 35

House Proceedings No. 35


Convened 10:18 A.M., MARCH 1, 2016

Adjourned 11:20 a.m., until MAR 2, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. - Journalized

Quorum: 127

Message from the Senate - First Reading Senate Bills #19

SB 46
Referred Environment and Transportation

House Resolutions

Committee Report #4 Appropriations

HB 27
Favorable with Amendments {414668/1 Adopted
Floor Amendment (Delegate A. Miller) {443426/1 Adopted
Motion Special Order until 3/2 (Delegate Krebs) Adopted
HB 164
Favorable with Amendments {924264/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 285
Favorable with Amendments {414964/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 331
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 684
Favorable with Amendments {514560/1 Adopted
Motion Special Order until 3/2 (Delegate Szeliga) Adopted
HB 909
Favorable with Amendments {374963/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 928
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #5 Economic Matters

HB 567
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 575
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 631
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 696
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 718
Favorable with Amendments {873090/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 884
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #2 Environment and Transportation

HB 20
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 229
Favorable with Amendments {410312/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 233
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 294
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 447
Favorable with Amendments {550714/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 576
Favorable with Amendments {230916/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 670
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #3 Judiciary

HB 98
Favorable with Amendments {882319/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 166
Favorable with Amendments {952219/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 246
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 259
Favorable with Amendments {362910/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 274
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 314
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 374
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 534
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 636
Favorable with Amendments {232616/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 637
Favorable with Amendments {492010/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 659
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 855
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #4 Ways and Means

HB 137
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 163
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 226
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 430
Favorable with Amendments {165260/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 484
Favorable with Amendments {915669/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #5 House Rules and Executive Nominations

SB 225
Re-referred Environment and Transportation

Committee Report #6 House Rules and Executive Nominations

HB 1609
Re-referred Appropriations
HB 1610
Re-referred Appropriations
HB 1612
Re-referred Appropriations
HB 1613
Re-referred Appropriations
HB 1614
Re-referred Appropriations

Special Order Calendar

SB 340
Motion Special Order until 3/31 (Delegate Kaiser) Adopted
HB 678
Third Reading Passed (114-26)

Quorum: 140

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #14

HB 128
Third Reading Passed (125-13)
HB 368
Third Reading Passed (96-43)
HB 382
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 537
Third Reading Passed (139-1)
HB 581
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 582
Third Reading Passed (140-0)


Quorum: 139

Adjourned 11:20 a.m., until MAR 2, 2016 at 10:00 A.M.


How a Bill Becomes Law

Legislative Lingo

Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

March 2, 2016 4:01 P.M.
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