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Floor Actions

House Proceedings No. 60

House Proceedings No. 60


Convened 10:06 A.M., Legislative Day 3/30/15, Calendar Day 4/03/15

Adjourned 10:52 a.m., until Apr 6, 2015 at 8:00 P.M., (Legislative Day 3/31) - Journalized

Quorum: 128

Message from the Senate - Yeas & Nays #6

HB 117
Returned Passed
HB 183
Returned Passed
HB 187
Returned Passed
HB 242
Returned Passed
HB 246
Returned Passed
HB 275
Returned Passed
HB 447
Returned Passed
HB 515
Returned Passed
HB 523
Returned Passed
HB 544
Returned Passed
HB 616
Returned Passed
HB 689
Returned Passed
HB 794
Returned Passed
HB 795
Returned Passed
HB 797
Returned Passed
HB 801
Returned Passed
HB 836
Returned Passed
HB 848
Returned Passed
HB 877
Returned Passed
HB 1039
Returned Passed

House Resolutions

Committee Report #19 Economic Matters

Consent Calendar #16

SB 38
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 89
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 139
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 361
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 369
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 426
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 499
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 500
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 502
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 503
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 523
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 630
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 631
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 632
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 634
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 644
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 715
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 719
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 750
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 798
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #20 Economic Matters

SB 299
Favorable with Amendments {243692/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 339
Favorable with Amendments {943599/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 354
Favorable with Amendments {313197/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 423
Favorable with Amendments {313998/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 501
Favorable with Amendments {893095/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 633
Favorable with Amendments {403990/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 643
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #10 Appropriations

SB 210
Favorable with Amendments {744366/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 362
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 663
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #21 Economic Matters

HB 1288
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 7
Favorable with Amendments {273499/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 542
Favorable with Amendments {493797/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 613
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 896
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #10 Health and Government Operations

HB 119
Favorable with Amendments {326987/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1016
Favorable with Amendments {636985/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 90
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 109
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 198
Favorable with Amendments {946289/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 217
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 415
Favorable Adopted
Motion Special Order until 4/7 (Delegate P. Young) Adopted
SB 444
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 555
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 641
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Committee Report #15 Judiciary

HB 405
Favorable with Amendments {642313/1 Adopted
Motion Special Order until 4/6 (Delegate Szeliga) Adopted
SB 374
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 528
Favorable with Amendments {572514/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #16 Judiciary

HB 1198
Favorable with Amendments {942913/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1237
Favorable with Amendments {202713/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1279
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Quorum: 136

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #52

HB 947
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 965
Third Reading Passed (137-0)

Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #11

SB 251
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
SB 334
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
SB 497
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
SB 508
Third Reading Passed (136-0)

Committee Report #17 Ways and Means

HB 1065
Favorable with Amendments {825667/1 Adopted
Motion Special Order until 4/6 (Delegate Hixson) Adopted
HB 1069
Favorable with Amendments {125966/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1177
Favorable with Amendments {705762/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 71
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 190
Favorable Adopted
Motion Special Order until 4/6 (Delegate Szeliga) Adopted
SB 295
Favorable Adopted
Motion Special Order until 4/6 (Delegate Hixson) Adopted
SB 439
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 484
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 677
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 689
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 702
Favorable with Amendments {285063/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 816
Favorable with Amendments {555165/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 865
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 886
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Special Order Calendar

SB 538
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Introductory Bills

HB 1292
Motion Rules Suspended for late introduction (Delegate Glass) Adopted (135-1)
Referred House Rules and Executive Nominations


Quorum: 137

Adjourned 10:52 a.m., until Apr 6, 2015 at 8:00 P.M., (Legislative Day 3/31)


How a Bill Becomes Law

Legislative Lingo

Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

April 7, 2015 4:05 P.M.
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