Floor Actions
House Proceedings No. 50
Agenda |
Convened 10:09 A.M., Legislative Day 3/20/15, Calendar Day 3/23/15
Adjourned 12:28 p.m., until Mar 23, 2015 at 6:00 P.M., (Legislative Day 3/21) - Journalized
Quorum: 137
Committee Report #11 Environment and Transportation
- HB 449
- Favorable with Amendments {110711/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until later today (Delegate Beitzel) Adopted
Quorum: 138
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #40
Committee Report #12 Environment and Transportation
- HB 793
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1229
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #7 Health and Government Operations
- HB 463
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 838
- Favorable with Amendments {356085/1 Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Delegate Afzali) {613428/1 Rejected (51-86)
- Motion Special Order until next session (Delegate Flanagan) Adopted
- HB 862
- Favorable with Amendments {446587/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until next session (Delegate McComas) Adopted
- HB 981
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1104
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #13 Environment and Transportation
- HB 543
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1073
- Favorable with Amendments {510218/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until next session (Delegate Buckel) Adopted
Quorum: 140
Adjourned 12:28 p.m., until Mar 23, 2015 at 6:00 P.M., (Legislative Day 3/21)
Agenda |
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