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House Proceedings No. 36

House Proceedings No. 36


Convened 10:06 A.M., FEBRUARY 27, 2013

Quorum: 132

Introductory Bills

HB 1487 - HB 1492 First Reading

Message from the Senate - First Reading Senate Bills #19

SB 234
Referred Health and Government Operations
SB 375
Referred Economic Matters

Committee Report #4 Economic Matters

HB 71
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 124
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 350
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 353
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 355
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 537
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 702
Favorable with Amendments {873296/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 882
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 305
Favorable with Amendments {343699/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1139
Re-referred Environmental Matters

Committee Report #4 Health and Government Operations

HB 139
Favorable with Amendments {626089/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 218
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
HB 303
Favorable with Amendments {346088/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 331
Favorable with Amendments {786285/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 360
Favorable with Amendments {256283/2 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 373
Favorable with Amendments {706380/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 624
Favorable with Amendments {956982/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments


Quorum: 132

Adjourned 10:29 a.m., until Feb 28, 2013 at 10:00 A.M.

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