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Delegate Sheila E. Hixson

Hixson, Sheila E.
Committee Assignment(s)
Annapolis Info
131 House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 301-858-3469
Toll-free in MD
Interim Info
131 House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 301-858-3469
District 20
Hixson, Sheila E.
First elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, 1978. Member of the House since 1976: appointed August 24 and sworn in September 7, 1976.
Current Assignments
1993- Chair, Ways and Means Committee
1993- House Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations
1993- Legislative Policy Committee
1993- Spending Affordability Committee
1976- Women Legislators of Maryland
Past House Service
Joint Audit Committee (formerly Budget and Audit Committee), 1993-2011; Joint Legislative Workgroup to Study State, County, and Municipal Fiscal Relationships, 2009-2010; Management Subcommittee of the Legislative Policy Committee, 1993-2003; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2002, 1996; Speaker's Advisory Committee on Legislative Redistricting, 2001-2002; Co-Chair, Special Committee on Gaming, 2001; Joint Protocol Committee, 1993-1998; Chair, Special Joint Committee on Competitive Taxation and Economic Development, 1996-1997; Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995-1996; Joint Transportation Financing Committee (Transportation 2000), 1994; House Chair, Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 1987-1992.
Public Service
Commission on the Establishment of a Maryland Educators Service Memorial, 2013-; College Success Task Force, P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland, 2009-2010; Maryland Business Tax Reform Commission, 2008-2010; County Affairs Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2007-; Transit Funding Study Steering Committee, 2006-2007; Executive Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2006-2007; Task Force to Study Public School Facilities, 2002-2004; Budgets and Revenue Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2003-; Task Force to Study the Maryland Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program, 2003; Streamline Sales Tax Implementing States Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2002-2003; Commission on Maryland's Fiscal Structure, 2002-2003; Legislative Advisory Council, Southern Regional Education Board, 2001-2003; Chair, Fiscal Affairs and Government Operations Committee, Southern Legislative Conference, 2001-2002; Chair, Fiscal Affairs Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2001-2002; Commission on Education Finance, Equity, and Excellence, 1992-2002; Special Commission to Study Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Maryland, 2000-2001; Transit Policy Panel, 2000; Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Commission to Study Ways to Improve the Financial Viability of the Racing Industry, 1997-1999; Governor's Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1986-1999; Task Force on Education Funding Equity, Accountability, and Partnerships, 1997-1998; Delegate, Southern Regional Education Board Legislative Work Conference, 2014; Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry, 1997-1998; Joint Executive-Legislative Task Force to Study Commercial Gaming Activities in Maryland, 1995; Special Joint Task Force on Transportation, 1995; Work Force Investment Board, 1988-1995; Governor's Commission on Competitive Forces Facing Maryland's Horse-Racing Industry, 1994; Joint Task Force on Maryland's Procurement Law, 1993-1994; President, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1992-1993; Advisory Commission on Federal-State-Local Relations, 1987-1992; Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1983-1985; Governor's Task Force on Time-Sharing, 1983-1984; Forest Land Task Force, 1981-1984; Mosquito Control Committee, 1982-1983; Former Member, Bi-County Committee, Montgomery County Delegation.
Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Caucus, 2003-; Board Member, Hearts and Homes for Youth, 2003-; Pyramid Atlantic, 2003-; Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee; National Capital Democratic Club; Women's National Democratic Club; Women's Suburban Democratic Club; Eastern Montgomery, Kensington, Wheaton Democratic Club; National Organization for Women (NOW); National Professional and Business Women's Organization; National Association of Sunday School Instructors; Plowmen & Fishermen.
Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Municipal League, 2007-2011; Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, Circle of Excellence, 2009, 2007, 2000; Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 1996, 1984.
Biographical Information
Born, L'Anse, Michigan, February 9, 1933; L’Anse High School; Northern State Teachers College, B.A.; Consultant; Head Start Teacher, Detroit, Michigan, 1960-62; Former Campaign Manager and Aide to U.S. Representative William D. Ford of Michigan; Former Administrative Assistant, Democratic National Committee; Four children.
Last Updated: 10/15/2019 3:24 PM
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