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Senator Joseph M. Getty

Getty, Joseph M.
Baltimore and Carroll
Committee Assignment(s)
Annapolis Info
401 James Senate Office Building
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-841-3683
Toll-free in MD
Fax 410-841-3729
Interim Info
401 James Senate Office Building
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 410-374-3881
District 5
Getty, Joseph M.
First elected to the Senate in 2010. Member of the Senate since 2011.
Current Assignments
2013- Minority Whip
2013- Budget and Taxation Committee
2013 Spending Affordability Committee
2014 Executive Nominations Committee
2014 Legislative Policy Committee
2014 Joint Audit Committee
2014 Joint Committee on Pensions
2014 Chair, Senate Select Committee No. 2, Carroll County
2011- Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics
Past Senate Service
Special Committee on Ethics Reform, 2013-2014; Task Force to Study Court Decision Regarding Pit Bulls, 2012-2014; Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2011-2013; Senate Standing Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 2011-2012; Task Force to Study the Laws and Policies Relating to Representation of Indigent Criminal Defendants by the Office of the Public Defender, 2012-2014.
Past House Service 1995-2003
Judiciary Committee, 1999-2003; Family and Juvenile Law Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, 1999-2003; Deputy Minority Whip, 1999-2002; Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1995-1998; State Government and Civil Rights Subcommittee of the Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1995-1998; Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government, 2011-2014.
Public Service
Social Studies Task Force, State Department of Education, 2004-2006; Chair, Carroll County Republican Central Committee, 2003, 1991-1992; Article 27 (Crimes and Punishments) Revision Committee, 1999-2003; Committee on Access to Court Records, 2001-2002; Forensic Sciences Task Force, 2000-2001; Commission to Revise the Election Code, 1996-1997; Task Force to Review the State's Election Law, 1995; Legislative Committee, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, 1990-1994; Executive Director, Historical Society of Carroll County, 1987-1994; Carroll County Republican Central Committee, 1985-1994, 1985-1994; Cable Television Advisory Committee, Carroll County, 1989-1993; Charter Board, Carroll County, 1992; Chair, Carroll County Historic District Commission, 1992; Carroll County Historic District Commission, 1989-1992; Rural Historic Village Protection Program Advisory Committee of Maryland Environmental Trust, 1990-; Chair, Carroll County Committee for Maryland’s 350th Anniversary, 1983-1984; Acting Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1981-1982.
Maryland Bar Association (Section of Family and Juvenile Law; Section of Solo and Small Firm Practice), 1996-; Board of Governors, Union Mills Homestead Foundation, 1979-1992; Board of Directors, Preservation Maryland, 1984-1990.
Biographical Information
Born, Olney, Maryland, April 14, 1952; Washington College, B.A., American Studies, 1974; George Washington University, M.A., American Civilization, 1980; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1996; Political Director, Ehrlich for Governor, 2002; Director of Policy, Governor-Elect's Transition Team, 2002-03; Director of Policy, Office of the Governor, 2003; Policy and Legislative Director, Office of the Governor, 2004-07; Architectural Historian and Historic Preservation Researcher/Writer; Author: Uniontown, Maryland-Walking Tour, 1983; Carroll’s Heritage: Essays on the Architecture of a Piedmont Maryland County, 1987; The Engine of Liberty & Uniontown Advertiser, 1993; Married, Six children.
Last Updated: 10/15/2019 3:24 PM
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