As of: 2/13/2025 12:29:26 AM
Created: 1/23/2025 12:38 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
These bills will heard by the Pension Subcommittee
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Transfers Between Systems - Workgroup
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Deferred Vested Former Members - Return to Service
(Added - 1/30/2025 4:49 PM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Alterations and Clarifications
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Reemployment Earnings Limitations - Maximum Average Final Compensation
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
State Retirement and Pension System - Administrative Fees - Repeal
(Added - 2/7/2025 11:10 AM)
Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns)
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Clarifications
(Removed - 2/3/2025 2:58 PM)
Created: 1/23/2025 12:38 PM
Pensions Subcommittee
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Bill Hearings
(Added - 1/30/2025 5:02 PM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 11:34 AM)
(Added - 2/7/2025 11:10 AM)
(Removed - 2/3/2025 2:58 PM)
(Removed - 2/5/2025 11:59 AM)
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
Health and Human Services Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, William Amoss Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/8/2025 3:17 PM
Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Schweinhaut Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/27/2025 2:32 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Ferguson, et al
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2025)
Sens Brooks and Hettleman
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Overhead Transmission Lines - Conservation Easements
Sen Hester
Electric Companies - Regional Transmission Organizations - Report (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act)
Sponsor only testimony
Sens Simonaire and Jackson
Maryland Department of Labor - Licenses - Notation of Veteran Status and Eligibility for Benefits
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Finance)
(Jointly assigned to Education, Energy, and the Environment\Finance)
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen
Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Compliance and Reporting
(Added - 1/31/2025 2:08 PM)
Sen Ready, et al
Task Force to Study the Premature Retirement of Electricity Generation Facilities
Created: 2/12/2025 4:14 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Voting Session
4:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/30/2025 4:18 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Lam
Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Program - Alterations
Sen A. Washington
Economic Development - Business Resource Initiative for Developmental Growth and Empowerment (BRIDGE) Program - Establishment
SB 377 is a prior introduction. The Committee will hear from the sponsor only.
Sens M. Washington and Lam
Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity - Membership and Purposes
The Pres (Office of the Comptroller)
Business Regulation - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses - Enforcement and Penalties
The Pres (Office of the Comptroller)
Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act – Revisions
Created: 2/9/2025 2:47 PM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
4:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/30/2025 1:24 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Smith
Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability
Senate Bill 618 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
Sen M. Washington
Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act)
(Jointly assigned to Judicial Proceedings\Budget and Taxation)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
SB 627 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 2/3/2025 10:32 AM)
Sens Jackson and Waldstreicher
Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Distracted Driving Monitoring System Pilot Program
Created: 2/12/2025 11:27 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Voting Session
5:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
Education and Economic Development Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
Health and Social Services Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 150, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/10/2025 12:33 PM
Transportation and the Environment Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD
Created: 1/23/2025 3:14 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Chr ECM (Atty Gen Ofc)
Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act – Reports of Attorney General – Frequency
Del Vogel, et al
Labor and Employment - Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional Capacity
Del Schindler, et al
Labor and Employment - Workplace Fraud - Application (Maryland Workplace Fraud Act of 2025)
Del Spiegel, et al
Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
Del Stewart
Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Covered Individuals - Alternatively Qualified Individuals
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 12:27 PM)
Created: 1/27/2025 6:02 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Del Wilkins, et al
Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability (Eric's ID Law)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
Del Taylor, et al
Real Estate Development and Highway Rights-of-Way - Installation of Broadband Micro Conduits and Microducts
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
Prince George's County Delegation
State Highway Administration - Memorials - Maryland Route 210 in Prince George's County PG 307-25
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
Del Harris, et al
Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Toll Facilities - Study on Image Capture of License Plates
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
Del M. Morgan, et al
Motor Vehicles - Driving Records - Disclosure of Medical Diagnosis (Safeguarding American Families Everywhere Act)
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:11 AM)
(Added - 1/29/2025 5:23 PM)
Del Stein, et al
Baltimore County - Vehicle Laws - Private Roadways in Residential Subdivisions and Communities
Del Healey, et al
Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Construction and Reconstruction
Created: 2/12/2025 8:26 PM
Local Government and Bi-County Agencies Subcommittee - Work Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced at the end of bill hearings.
Created: 2/11/2025 4:27 PM
Motor Vehicle and Transportation Subcommittee - Work Session
3:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The exact start time will be announced at the conclusion of bill hearings.
Created: 2/3/2025 12:50 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc)
Health Care Facilities - Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Programs - Video Recordings
Del Cullison
Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Exemption for Participation in Value-Based Care Arrangements
Del Guyton
State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Behavior Analysts - Licensure Applications
Del D. Jones, et al
Health Insurance - Genetic Testing and Cancer Imaging - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost-Sharing
Del Pena-Melnyk
Workgroup to Study the Rise in Adverse Decisions in the State Health Care System - Establishment
Del Taveras, et al
Health Insurance - Prescription Drug Formularies and Coverage for Generic Drugs and Biosimilars
(Removed - 2/11/2025 10:10 AM)
Del Woods, et al
Health Insurance - Artificial Intelligence, Adverse Decisions, and Grievances - Reporting Requirements
(Removed - 2/11/2025 4:03 PM)
Created: 2/10/2025 10:31 AM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Work Session
11:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 406 and 565
(Added - 2/11/2025 11:29 AM)
Created: 1/27/2025 3:28 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
** Bill Sponsor testimony limited to 3 minutes. All others limited to 2 minutes. **
Del Crutchfield
Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations ("Know Before They Knock" Family Right to Notice Act)
Del Stewart
Residential Child Care Programs - Transportation Companies - Regulation (Preventing Abduction in Youth Transport Act of 2025)
Del Spiegel, et al
Civil Actions - Child Nonsexual Abuse and Neglect - Damages and Statute of Limitations
Del Miller, et al
Primary and Secondary Education - Definition and Notification of Reportable Offense - Alterations
(Removed - 2/6/2025 4:46 PM)
Created: 2/12/2025 1:09 PM
Judiciary Committee - Voting Session
2:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Created: 2/7/2025 12:43 PM
Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee - Bill Hearing
12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Foley
Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers
Del Cardin
Estates and Trusts - Maryland Trust Decanting Act - Notification and Document Transmittal
Del Palakovich Carr
Residential Real Property - Local Limits on Summoning Law Enforcement or Emergency Services
Created: 1/27/2025 4:04 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
Dels Buckel and Wilkins
Sports Wagering - Licenses and Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program Requirements
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
Del Griffith, et al
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Employee Retirement Income
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
Del Griffith, et al
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Military Retirement Income - Individuals Under the Age of 55
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
This bill is sponsor only oral testimony.
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Cecil County Delegation
Horse Racing - Distribution of Racetrack Facility Renewal Account Funds - Alterations
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Del Spiegel, et al
Maryland Financial Empowerment Center Network Pilot Program - Establishment
(Added - 1/29/2025 10:35 AM)
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Dels Young and Mireku-North
Sales and Use Tax - Firearms, Firearm Accessories, and Ammunition - Rate Alteration
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
(Added - 1/31/2025 11:47 AM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo
Economic Development - Income Tax Benefit Transfer Program - Establishment
(Removed - 2/5/2025 10:39 AM)
Harford County Delegation Weekly Meeting
Howard County Delegation meeting on proposed local bills and bonds.
Created: 2/11/2025 1:40 PM
Bill Hearing
12:00 PM - Miller Senate Building, Welcome Room, 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD
Immediately following session
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Task Force on the Displacement of Residents of Emory Grove MC 5-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) MC 10-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization MC 4-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon License MC 3-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - High-Risk Highways MC 17-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BD-BWL Licenses - Multiple Licenses MC 18-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Vehicle Control and Monitoring Systems - Distribution of Contested Traffic Fines, Application, and Implementation MC 8-25
Montgomery County Delegation
Department of Commerce - Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve Study MC 15-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Design and Construction - Alternative Project Delivery and Solicitation Methods MC/PG 102-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Montgomery County Planning Board and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Open Meetings - Live Streaming Requirement MC/PG 101-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Prince George's County - Board of Appeals - Membership MC/PG 106-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Montgomery County - Municipal Authority to Regulate Structures - Alterations MC/PG 116-25
Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Exemptions MC/PG 107-25
Created: 1/10/2025 3:12 PM
9:00 AM - Virtual Meeting
To watch the livestream click here and click on "Stream" under the appropriate date.
Public virtual meeting to discuss normal IAC business
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