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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB1188 - Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act

Finance 4/2/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/18/2025 10:19:27 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Ferguson, Senator Ferguson FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Luedtke, Eric FWA Luedtke Port Act Testimony-combined.pdf FIN
Kraska, Jenny FAV Maryland Catholic Conference_FAV_SB1188.pdf FIN
Campion, Louis Maryland Motor Truck Association FAV SB1188 - Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Reg FIN
Holding, Sonny Congressman David Trone, MD06 FAV 240401_SB1188_TRONE - Support - PORT Act.pdf FIN
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV SB 1188_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf FIN
Bogdan, Henry Maryland Nonprofits FWA SB 1188 -SUPP-Amd - FIN - Apr 2 - MD Protecting Op FIN
Pittman, Steuart Office of the Anne Arundel County Executive FAV Anne Arundel County _FAV_SB1188 (1).pdf FIN
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV SB1188-FIN-BT-FAV.pdf FIN
Amador, Ninfa CASA FAV SB1188_CASA_FAV FIN
Salling, Senator FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ferguson, Senator FAV PORT Act (SB 1188) Testimony FIN
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 4-2-2024 at 222 PM FIN
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