Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0956 - Environment - Water Pollution Control - Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act)
Education, Energy, and the Environment 2/20/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/13/2025 8:09:54 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Hester, Senator Hester | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EEE | |
Arndt, Dave | FAV | No Testimony | EEE | |
Alexander, Peter | FAV | SB956_IndivisibleHoCo_FAV_Peter Alexander.pdf | EEE | |
Eignor, Diana | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony FINAL Eignor SB0956 Testimony.pdf |
EEE | |
Bassett, Elle | Arundel Rivers Federation | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Wilkinson, nanci | Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Environmental Justice Ministry | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Schwarz, Kurt | Maryland Ornithological Society | FAV | MOS SB0956 Water Pollution Control -- PFAS Feb 202 | EEE |
Davlin, Sharon | FAV | No Testimony | EEE | |
Isaacson, Evan | Chesapeake Legal Alliance | FAV | CLA Favorable SB 956.docx.pdf | EEE |
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP | Year | FAV | Testimony in support of SB0956.pdf | EEE |
Walls, Brent | Potomac Riverkeeper Network | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony SB956 Favorable Brent Walls (1).pdf |
Myers, Doug | Chesapeake Bay Foundation | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 956 - CBF - FAV.pdf |
Hudson, Lee | Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Risotto, Steve | American Chemistry Council | INFO |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Kraska, Jenny | FAV | Maryland Catholic Conference_FAV_SB956.pdf | EEE | |
Sanderson, Michael | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0956-EEE_MACo_SWA.pdf |
Cohn, Debbie | FAV | No Testimony | EEE | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0956_Protecting_State_Waters_From_PFAS_MLC_FAV.p | EEE |
Meyerovich, Mark | FAV | No Testimony | EEE | |
Feighner, Liz | Less Plastic Please | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Bartlett, Olivia | DoTheMostGood | FAV | SB0956-FAV-DTMG-2-20024.pdf | EEE |
Scarr, Emily | Maryland PIRG | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony Gore-Tex maker polluted some Marylanders’ drinking SB956_StopToxicPFAS_FAV_Emily Scarr_MDPIRG_EEE_spo |
Bogdan, Henry | Maryland Nonprofits | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Fry Hester, Katie | Maryland Senate | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony eee - 133511016874744179 - Legislative PFAS Briefi FINAL _ PFAS Bill Testimony.docx.pdf Maryland PFAS Action Plan December 2023 (1).pdf |
Themelis, Nina | Mayor's Office of Government Relations | INFO | SB0956-EEE-LOC.pdf | EEE |
Baker, Jeremy D. | Maryland Department of the Environment | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Nicholas, Betsy | Potomac Riverkeeper Network | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Allen, Hannah | Maryland Chamber of Commerce | UNF | SB 956_MDCC_Protecting State Waters From PFAS Poll | EEE |
Hunter, Casey | League of Women Voters of Maryland | FAV | No Testimony | EEE |
Knapp, Les | Maryland Department of the Environment | FWA | SB 956 MDE SWA.pdf | EEE |
Vetter, Drew | NWRA | UNF | SB 956 | EEE |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-20-2024 at 954 AM | EEE |
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