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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0778 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Children and Pregnant Women (Healthy Babies Equity Act)

Finance 3/8/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/9/2025 7:59:12 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Lam, Senator Lam FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
DeMarco, Vincent FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Riley, Shannon Health Care for the Homeless FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Health Care for the Homeless - SB 778 FAV - Health
Jasen, Debi FAV No Testimony FIN
Palmisano, Erica SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Polsky, Larry Maryland Association of County Health Officers FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 778 - MD MA Prog - Children and Preg Women (Hea
Agalloco, Andrea Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
AAgalloco Support SB778 Healthy Babies Equity Act.
Coble, Annie Johns Hopkins FAV SB778 - Hopkins - SUP.pdf FIN
Kraska, Jenny FWA Maryland Catholic Conference_FWA_SB778.pdf FIN
Eck, Raimee Maryland Public Health Association FAV SB778-MdPHA-FAV.pdf FIN
Darragh, Kerry The Horizon Foundation FAV SB 778_HorizonFoundation_fav.pdf FIN
Rosas, Ana Mary's Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony FIN
Anderson, Stephanie O'Malley Miles, Nylen and Gilmore FAV SB 778_R. Jones 1199SEIU_FAV Final.pdf FIN
Iverson, Jennifer Prince George's Child Resource Center, Inc. FAV PGCRC SB 0778 Healthy Babies Equity.pdf FIN
Kasemeyer, Pam FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB0778_FAV_MedChi, MDAAP, MACHC, MDACOG_Healthy Eq
Egan, Ashley UULM-MD FAV Testimony In Support of SB 778 Healthy Babies Equi FIN
Robinson, Aisha Primary Care Coalition FAV SB 778 Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Walker, Keisha FAV LWVMD written testimony- SB778 Healthy Babies Equi FIN
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony FIN
Muniak, Lindsey Progressive Maryland FAV Progressive Maryland – SB 778.pdf FIN
Siri, Michelle The Women's Law Center of Maryland FAV SB 778 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Chi FIN
Bogdan, Henry Maryland Nonprofits FAV SB 778 - Support -FIN - Healthy Babies Act.pdf FIN
Guerrero Vazquez, Monica Centro SOL FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB1080 Healthy Babies Equity Act Testimony.pdf
Vernon, Michael UNF No Testimony FIN
Hernandez, Felix Mary's Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Todd, Tamara FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.docx.pdf FIN
Wilson, Lorraine FAV Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Sirkel, Robin UNF No Testimony FIN
Sadil, Patrick FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Mayhew, Kim Perry White Ross & Jacobson FAV Holy Cross Written Testimony -- Support for SB 778 FIN
Keipper, Lindsay Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.docx.pdf FIN
Maryland, State of FAV 8b - SB 778 - FIN - MACHO - LOS.pdf FIN
Shek, Heather Maryland Department of Health INFO 8a - SB 778 - FIN - MDH - LOI.pdf FIN
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV No Testimony FIN
Juberg, Arielle FAV SB0778_Arielle_Juberg_FAV.pdf FIN
Lam, Clarence FAV SB 778_LAM_FAV.pdf FIN
Adams, Joseph FAV MDDCSAM Healthy Babies SB778 FAV.pdf FIN
Reichert-Price, Sarah Allegany County Republican Women's Club UNF SB 778_SP_UNF.pdf FIN
Diefenbach, Linda UNF SB778ChildrenAndPregnantWomen3:8FinanceCommittee.p FIN
Johnson, Sarah FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
LaRue, Michelle CASA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB778_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf
Elliott, Robyn FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2020 LCPCM SB 778 Senate Side.docx.pdf
2022 ACNM SB 778 Senate Side.pdf
2022 MCHS SB 778 Senate Side.pdf
2022 MDAC SB 778 Senate Side.pdf
2022 MNA SB 778 Senate Side.docx.pdf
2022 Moveable Feast SB 778 Senate Side.pdf
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County FAV SB778_MoCo_Frey_SUPPORT.pdf FIN
Yoder, Daryl FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act (1).pdf FIN
Payne, John Sanctuary DMV FAV SB778 SDMV fav.pdf FIN
Atwood, Laura Takoma Park Mobilization FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Conner, Sandra Baptist Ministers' Night Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity FAV SB778_FAV_BMNCBV.pdf
Abdullahi, Abdi FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.pdf FIN
Vaughan, Regan Catholic Charities of Baltimore FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Boullon, Yaneldis Catholic Charities Esperanza Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Valencia-Banks, Giuliana Office of Baltimore County Executive’s FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
D’Orazio , Daniela UNF No Testimony FIN
Sims, Brian MHA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 778- Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Chil
Belford, Tina Moms for Liberty-AAC Chapter UNF No Testimony FIN
Wilkins, Katherine FAV SB 778 - Healthy Babies Equity Act.docx.pdf FIN
Taylor, Allison Kaiser Permanente FAV SB 778_Noncitizen Women Medicaid_Support.pdf FIN
Loco, Sandra FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Paul, Cathryn FAV CASA_FAV_SB778.pdf FIN
O'Connor, Patricia Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Health Education and Advocacy Unit (HEAU) FAV OAG_FAV_SB0778.pdf FIN
Beller, Joel Baltimore County Government FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0778.pdf FIN
Black, Ashley Public Justice Center FAV SB 778_PJC_ Support.pdf FIN
Diefenbach, Klaus UNF No Testimony FIN
Wilson, Alicia FAV Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition_FAV_SB778. FIN
Kleinman, Jan SURJ FAV SURJ Healthy Babies Equity 2022 3 8.pdf FIN
mcavoy, vince UNF SB0778 UNF opposed mcavoy.pdf FIN
Gilmore , Denise AFSCME Maryland FAV SB778_AFSCME3_FAV.pdf FIN
Girdner, Linnie FAV Support SB778- Healthy Baby Equity Act.docx.pdf FIN
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-8-2022 at 1007 AM FIN
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