Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0552 - Video Lottery Operation License - Renewal
Budget and Taxation 2/12/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/7/2024 7:55:06 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator King, Senator King | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB552 VLO License Renewal |
B&T | |
Harting, Marta | Maryland Live! Casino | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB552_HARTING_FAV |
B&T |
Wise, Steve | Maryland Live! Casino | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Johansen, Michael | Horseshoe Casino | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-13-2020 at 1028 AM | B&T |