Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0432 - Inheritance Tax - Repeal
Budget and Taxation 2/22/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/8/2024 9:32:30 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Corderman, Senator Corderman | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
B&T | |
Hawkins, Giavante | MSATP | FAV | MSATP SB 432.pdf | B&T |
Lepine, Kimberly | FAV | RepealInheritanceTax.pdf | B&T | |
Kahl, Sarah | UNF | Inheritance Tax Repeal Oppose.pdf | B&T | |
Meyerovich, Mark | FAV | No Testimony | B&T | |
A Jones, Elizabeth | Tax Paying Constituent | FAV | SB 432 Testimony - Jones.pdf | B&T |
Burrell-Rohde, Alexis | Register of Wills for Baltimore County | UNF |
Virtual - Oral Testimony SB 432 Unfavorable.pdf |
B&T |
Griffin, Joseph | Register of Wills | UNF | 2023 oppossed to SB 432.pdf | B&T |
Griffin, Andrew | Maryland Chamber of Commerce | FAV | SB 432_MDCC_Inheritance Tax - Repeal_FAV.pdf | B&T |
Fink, Nelda | FAV | No Testimony | B&T | |
Corderman, Paul | Maryland General Assembly | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 432 Sen Corderman Testimony.pdf |
B&T |
Schumitz, Kali | Maryland Center on Economic Policy | UNF | SB 432_MD Center on Ecnomic Policy_UNF.pdf | B&T |
Macfarlane, Byron | UNF |
Virtual - Oral Testimony SB432 - Macfarlane - UNFAVORABLE.pdf |
B&T | |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-22-2023 at 1127 AM | B&T |