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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0378 - Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland - Funding for Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission

Budget and Taxation 2/9/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/15/2025 6:55:59 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Jackson, Senator Jackson FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Guy, Randy Commissioners of St. Mary's County FAV SB 378 - Favorable - Commissioners of St. Mary's B&T
Atticks, Kevin FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mumbert, Felicia SMADC FAV Testimony_SMADC.pdf B&T
Jackson, Michael Senate of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
EGAN, KIMBERLY FAV SB 378 Maryland Horse Council Testimony -- FAVORAB B&T
jones, linda Elements of Nature Urban Farm FAV Linda L. Jones Testimony SB0378.pdf B&T
Bryant, Kelly Maryland Agricultural Teachers Association FAV Scanned from Maurice J. McDonough High School (2). B&T
Donohue, Daniel FAV SMADC ltr 020722aa.pdf B&T
Crone, Amy HopScratch Farm FAV Crone Testimony SB0378.pdf B&T
Watson-Hampton, Shelby SMADC FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony SB0378 Shelby Watson-Hampton.pdf
Brooks, Chantal 804 Cattle Company FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SMADC testimony.docx.pdf
Bowling , Gilbert Charles County Commissioners FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Bearden, Joan PZ Hill Farm LLC FAV SMADC Testimony SB0378.pdf B&T
Kilpatrick, Janet VFF Produce LLC FAV Testimony Letter - SMADC.pdf B&T
Palmer, Harrison Prince George's County Farm Bureau FAV PGCFB SB0378 Letter of Support.docx.pdf B&T
Wilkins, Barbara INFO SB 378 Funding for SMADC (Jackson) B&T 2.9.22 SOI. B&T
Robinson, Franklin Serenity Farm, Inc. FAV Serenity Farm Inc support letter for SB0378.pdf B&T
Wort, Brian P.A. Bowen Farmstead FAV PABF_Testimony_SB0378.pdf B&T
Hill, Beth FAV MFA Support SB0378.pdf B&T
Raley Jr., James K. President, St. Mary's County Farm Bureau, Inc. FAV SB0378_Raley_Fav.pdf B&T
Bruskin, Heather Montgomery County Food Council FAV SB378_FAV_Montgomery County Food Council.pdf B&T
Zimmerman, Lauren Wine Industry FAV Letter of Support SMADC.pdf B&T
Hartline, John Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland FAV Letter of Support Testimony SB0378 Commissioner Mo B&T
Walker, Lucille Southern Maryland Heritage Area FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony SB0378 - Lucille Walker.pdf
Ferguson, Colby Maryland Farm Bureau FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Support of SB 378 - Tri-County Council for Souther
Bowling, Chip Bowling Agri Service Inc FAV Testimony SB0378 - Chip Bowling.pdf B&T
Collins, Reuben Charles County Government FAV SMADC Letter of Support.pdf B&T
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-8-2022 at 514 PM B&T
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