Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0234 - Personal Information - State and Local Agencies - Restrictions on Access (Maryland Driver Privacy Act)
Judicial Proceedings 1/28/2021 11:00:00 AM
As of: 9/13/2024 5:05:35 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Lam, Senator Lam | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Le, Kim | FAV | SB0234.pdf | JPR | |
Harrison, Jeffrey | FAV | Jeffrey_Harrison_FAV_SB234.pdf | JPR | |
Follingstad, Susaanti | Sanctuary DMV and Maryland Against ICE Detention | FAV |
MDAID - Support Driver Privacy bill SB 234.pdf
SDMV - Support Driver Privacy bill SB 234.pdf |
Sugarman, Kate | Doctors For Camp Closure and MD Against ICE Detention | FAV | D4CC - Support Driver Privacy Act SB 234.pdf | JPR |
Smeton, Jonathan | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf | JPR |
Kickenson, Jerry | Congregation Action Network | FAV | Testimony in support of SB0234 - CAN.pdf | JPR |
Egan, Ashley | UULM-MD | FAV |
Support of SB234 - MVA Data Privacy- Steve Eckstra
Testimony in Support of SB 234 - MVA Data Privacy |
Britt, Adiena | N/A | FAV | No Testimony | JPR |
Girdner, Linnie | FAV | SB0234 Support Driver Privacy Act LG.pdf | JPR | |
Syrrakos, Holly | Takoma Park Mobilization | FAV | TPM SB234 Support.pdf | JPR |
Lloyd, Rianna | Jews United for Justice | FAV |
SB234 - Anita Lampel.pdf
SB234 - Carol Stern.pdf SB234 - Emily Blank.pdf SB234 - Jerry Kickenson.pdf SB234 - Shana Fischer - Jews United for Justice.pd |
Atwood, Laura | Takoma Park Mobilization | FAV | SB234 - support (individual).pdf | JPR |
Bedoya , Alvaro | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Alvaro Bedoya_FAV_SB234.pdf |
JPR | |
Rochkind, Jonathan | FAV | SB 154 - Right to Counsel in Eviction Hearings.pdf | JPR | |
Sell, Jennifer | SURJ3A | FAV | SB0234- Testimony- Support- JS.pdf | JPR |
Escobar, George | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony CASA_FAV_SB234.pdf |
JPR | |
Caucus, MD Latino | FAV | SB234_LatinoCaucus_FAV.pdf | JPR | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | TESTIMONY FOR SB0234 Personal Information - State | JPR |
Juberg, Arielle | FAV | SB0234 Written Testimony A Juberg.pdf | JPR | |
Cocke, Abigail | Baltimore for Border Justice | FAV | SB0234 Testimony Driver Privacy.pdf | JPR |
Tu, Chengbiao | N/A | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 234 Testmony Against.pdf |
Miicke , Sarah | FAV | SB234 Testimony 2021 Limiting access to MVA record | JPR | |
Murray, Kerriann | SURJ | FAV | SB234 written testimony - Murray.pdf | JPR |
Rendall, Shari | FAIR | UNF | Maryland testimony opposing SB 234 - Facial Recogn | JPR |
Gorny, Daniel | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf | JPR | |
Elliott, Richard DeShay | Prince George's County Young Democrats | FAV | Legislative Testimony 234.pdf | JPR |
Ewing, Hamza | CAIR Office in Maryland | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony testimony.SB234.pdf |
Esposito, Lindsay | SURJ - Baltimore | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act Esposito 1.26.21.pdf | JPR |
Ross, Sarah | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Todd, Tamara | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.docx.pdf | JPR | |
Ritz, David | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Drukker-Schardl, Evan | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Waychoff, Amy | UNF | SB 234 Written Testimony 1_28_21.pdf | JPR | |
Bellanca, Emily | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Bankard, Sarah | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Yoder, Daryl | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act.pdf | JPR | |
Green, David | Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony DPSCS_OPPOSE_SB234.pdf |
Beskid, Jennifer | Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Paul, Cathryn | FAV |
Elsa Vargas_FAV_SB234.pdf
Gabriel Albornoz_FAV_SB234.pdf Jose Hernandez_FAV_SB234.pdf Karla Rodriquez_FAV_SB234.pdf Marcia Bravo_FAV_SB234.pdf |
JPR | |
Hauck, Barbara | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 234 - Driver Privacy Act BH.pdf | JPR |
Spielberger, Joe | ACLU of Maryland | FAV | SB 234_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger.pdf | JPR |
Paul, Ellen | UNF | SB 234.pdf | JPR | |
Martinez, Ashanti | FAV |
Alex Kohn_FAV_SB234.pdf Dianne Seiffert_FAV_SB234.pdf MoCoPAAN_FAV_SB234.pdf Perry Beider_FAV_SB234.pdf PLUMAS_FAV_SB234.pdf Robert Cullen_FAV_SB234.pdf Tammy Spengler_FAV_SB234.pdf |
JPR | |
Emmanuelle, Colline | FAV | In favor SB0234.pdf | JPR | |
DeStefano, Amanda | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Moravec, Joseph | FAV | 2021.1.26_FIRN Testimony_Drivers Privacy Act.pdf | JPR | |
Lam, Clarence | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony LAM_FAV_SB0234.pdf |
JPR | |
Haile, Sara | FAV | No Testimony | JPR | |
Gutierrez, Rosa | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Westervelt, Patricia | Maryland Department of Transportation | UNF | SB0234 - MVA - Personal Information - Restrictions | JPR |
Kemerer, Hannibal | Office of Attorney General | FAV | 2021-01-28 SB 234 (Support).pdf | JPR |
Katz, Nick | FAV |
Our Revolution_FAV_SB234.pdf |
JPR | |
Zeng, Jianning | UNF | AgainstSB0234.pdf | JPR | |
Ratnayake, Kushan | FAV | Testimony in support of SB0234.pdf | JPR | |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 1-28-2021 at 853 AM | JPR |