Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Program
Judicial Proceedings 2/3/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 6:47:07 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Hettleman, Senator Hettleman | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Seltzer, Deb | Maryland Legal Services Corporation | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 129_MLSC_fav.pdf |
Remer, Stewart | FAV | SB 0129 Written Testimony 2-3-2022.pdf | JPR | |
Katz, Nick | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Kenney, Elizabeth | Vera Institute of Justice | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Vera Testimony SB129.pdf |
Siri, Michelle | The Women's Law Center of Maryland | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedi | JPR |
Reichert-Price, Sarah | Allegany County Republican Women's Club | UNF | SB 129_SP_unf.pdf | JPR |
Follingstad, Susaanti | Silver Spring Justice Coalition, Sanctuary DMV, and Maryland Against ICE Detention | FAV | SB129 MDAID fav.pdf | JPR |
Sieradzki, David | FAV | Sieradzki Testimony in Support of SB 129 - Access | JPR | |
Renta, Natalia | Center for Popular Democracy | FAV | CPD Testimony for MD Universal Representation.pdf | JPR |
Rendall, Shari | FAIR | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony MD Testimony Opposing SB 129- Right to Counsel in |
Sugarman, Kate | Doctors For Camp Closure and MD Against ICE Detention | FAV | SB129 D4CC fav.pdf | JPR |
STERN, CAROL | FAV | Funding Acccess to counsel imm FAV SB129.pdf | JPR | |
Hofman, Emma | CAIR Coalition | FAV | SB129_EmmaHofman_Fav.pdf | JPR |
Koravos, JoAnne | Montgomery County Women's Democratic Club | FAV | WDC Testimony HB0129-2022_FINAL.pdf | JPR |
Schmitz, Martha | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Majors, Tiffany | Greater Baltimore Urban League | FAV | GBUL Immigrant Representation TestimonyS.pdf | JPR |
Becker, Madeline | FAV | Becker_SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration C | JPR | |
Kraska, MJ | Maryland Catholic Conference | FAV | MD Catholic Conference_FAV_SB0129.pdf | JPR |
Diamond, Joanna | Health Care for the Homeless | FAV | Health Care for the Homeless - SB 129 FAV - Access | JPR |
Lovler Tapia, Tiffen | Jews United for Justice | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB129-FAV-Tiffen Tapia, JUFJ[1329].pdf |
Gilmore , Denise | AFSCME Maryland | FAV | SB129_AFSCME3_FAV.pdf | JPR |
Jasen, Debi | FAV | 2022 SB129 testimony.pdf | JPR | |
Keipper, Lindsay | Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration | JPR |
Ortega, Lorena | CAIR Coaliition | FAV |
SB129_Lora Adams_Fav.pdf SB129_LorenaOrtega_Fav.pdf |
Wilson, Lorraine | FAV | Testimony on Access To Counsel in Immigration.pdf | JPR | |
Dubon Miranda, Marvin | FAV | SB129_Marvin_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Gomez, Cristobal | FAV | SB129_Cristobal_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Stoica, Ioana | FAV | SB0129 - FAVORABLE - Ioana Stoica.pdf | JPR | |
Pollock, John | National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel | FAV | NCCRC testimony for SB 129.pdf | JPR |
Hettleman, Shelly | MGA- Senator Hettleman | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB129_FAV_Hettleman.pdf |
Juarez, Melvin | FAV | SB129_Melvin_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Wilkins, Barbara | INFO | SB 129 Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceeding | JPR | |
Herrera, Fausto | FAV | SB129_Fausto_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Payne, John | Sanctuary DMV | FAV | SB129 SDMV fav.pdf | JPR |
Loco, Sandra | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Banos Guevara, Patricia | FAV | SB129_Patricia_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Enagonio, Liz | FAV |
SB 129 Testimony_SR_Favorable.pdf
SB0129_Immigrant Access to Counsel_Liz_FAVORABLE.p |
JPR | |
N'Din, Marcellin | FAV | SB129_Marcellin_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Todd, Tamara | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration | JPR | |
Maldonado, Jose | FAV | SB129_Jose M._Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Norken, David | FAV | SB129Test.JUFJ.1.pdf | JPR | |
Rehr, Nathan | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Frey, Leslie | Montgomery County | FAV | SB 129_MoCo_Frey_FAV.pdf | JPR |
Gutierrez, Luis | FAV | SB129_Luis_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
DeMartino, Mary Beth | National Association of Social Workers - Maryland Chapter | FAV | 2022 NASW SB 129 Senate Side.pdf | JPR |
Seel, Brian | FAV | sb 129.pdf | JPR | |
de Jesus, Ana | FAV | SB129_AnadeJesus_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Zellmer, Charlene Belsom | Maryland Against ICE Detention (MDAID) | FAV | HB114 written testimony.pdf | JPR |
Amaya, Jose | FAV | SB129_Jose A._Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Bergmann, Catherine | FAV | SB0129 Testimony.pdf | JPR | |
Soreng, Nancy | FAV | SB 129 Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceeding | JPR | |
Wettstein, Nadine | Maryland Office of the Public Defender | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 129 - Access to Counsel, OPD Wettstein, favorab |
Smeton, Jonathan | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR |
Binder, Stan | FAV | Judiciary_ JUFJ_ImmigrationCourtCounsel-1.pdf | JPR | |
Renee, Lauren | FAV | SB129_Lauren_Fav.pdf | JPR | |
Steiner, Nick | American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB129 - Universal Representation Testimony - ACLU- |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0129_Access_to_Counsel_MLC_FAV.pdf | JPR |
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP | Year | FAV | Testimony on SB0129.pdf | JPR |
Kickenson, Jerry | Congregation Action Network | FAV | SB129_CAN_fav.pdf | JPR |
Peterson, Matt | FAV | SB 129 - Immigrant Right to Counsel.pdf | JPR | |
Love, William | UNF | No Testimony | JPR | |
Albano, Molly | University of Maryland Carey School of Law Chacon Center for Immigrant Justice | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Maryland Carey Law Immigration Clinic_SB 129_jpr_f |
MULLICAN, Brigitta | Private | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 114 SB 129 immigration Counsel.pdf |
Jordan, Lisae C | Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) | FAV | No Testimony | JPR |
Schumitz, Kali | Maryland Center on Economic Policy | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB129_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf |
Weissman, Louise | Jews United for Justice | FAV | Senate Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedin | JPR |
Dornell, Lisa | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony WrittenTestimony.SB129.UniversalRep.2022.pdf |
JPR | |
Kemerer, Hannibal | Office of Attorney General | FAV | 2022-02-03 SB 129 (Support).pdf | JPR |
mcavoy, vince | UNF | SB0129_VMcAvoy_UNF.pdf | JPR | |
Silver, Joanna | Joanna Silver | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB129 Access to Council in Immigration Proceedings |
Shah, Reena | Maryland Access to Justice Commission | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2022.02.01 - A2JC Written Testimony - SB129.pdf |
Bagwell, Ashlie | FAV | 2022 JCRC SB 129 Access to Counsel in Immigration | JPR | |
Juberg, Arielle | FAV | SB0129_Arielle_Juberg_FAV.pdf | JPR | |
Kusakawa, Gisela | Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Updated Testimony in Support of Access to Counsel |
Meadows, Lila | FAV | SB129 Access to Counsel - JVCC Written Testimony . | JPR | |
Pereschuk, Alicia | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Novak, Natalie | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Vaughan, Regan | Catholic Charities of Baltimore | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0129_CC_Vaughan_FAV.pdf |
Shillenn, Rebecca | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Shapiro, Melanie | Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence | FAV | SB 129_MNADV_FAV.pdf | JPR |
DeLong, Michael | Montgomery County Young Democrats | FAV | Testimont of MCYD in Support of SB 129-Access to C | JPR |
RUBIN, ANNA | Anna Rubin | FAV | SB129-2.1.21.pdf | JPR |
Ennis, Ella | UNF | SB 129 Access to Counsel - MFRW OPPOSED Final.pdf | JPR | |
Atwood, Laura | Takoma Park Mobilization | FAV | SB129-support.pdf | JPR |
Yoder, Daryl | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Alsobrooks, Angela | Prince George's County Executive | FAV | SB129 - PGCEX - FAV.pdf | JPR |
Mehu, Natasha | Mayor's Office of Government Relations | FAV | SB129-JPR-FAV.pdf | JPR |
Shapiro, Melanie | Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force | FAV | SB 129_MDHTTF_FAV.pdf | JPR |
Wells, Martha | Congregation Action Network | FAV | Testimony in support of SB129:HB0114 - CAN.pdf | JPR |
Glazer, Sherry | FAV | Copy of JUFJ AccessCounsImmigSen.pdf | JPR | |
English, Michael | N/A | FAV | _Senate Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedin | JPR |
Ring, Daniel | FAV | RIng Judicial Proceedings sb0129.pdf | JPR | |
Cavanagh, Terry | SEIU Maryland & DC State Council | FAV | SEIU Testimony IN FAVOR of SB 129 Access to Counse | JPR |
Prom, Sosseh | African Communities Together | FAV | SB129 Written Testimony.pdf | JPR |
Ditz, Toby | FAV | _SB129 Access to Counsel Senate 2022- Toby Ditz.pd | JPR | |
Wilson, Alicia | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JPR | |
Atlaw, Elon | F.A.I.R- Fans of Asylum and Immigration Reform | FAV | Testimony.pdf | JPR |
Paul, Cathryn | FAV | CASA_FAV_SB129.pdf | JPR | |
Waychoff, Amy | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 129_aw-unf.pdf |
JPR | |
Beller, Joel | Baltimore County Government | FAV | BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0129.pdf | JPR |
Egan, Ashley | UULM-MD | FAV | Testimony in Support of SB 129 Access to Counsel J | JPR |
Kim, Lisa | UNF | Testimony opposing MD right to counsel.pdf | JPR | |
Bartlett, Olivia | DoTheMostGood | FAV | SB0129-FAV-DTMG-2-3-22.pdf | JPR |
Calderon, Angie | FAV | Testimony for SB0129 - Google Docs.pdf | JPR | |
Westbrook, Viviana | Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) | FAV | CLINIC Testimony on Maryland Access to Counsel Bil | JPR |
Sadil, Patrick | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Benitez-Perez, Jorge | FAV |
Karen Mejia_FAV_SB129.pdf
Maria Rivas_FAV_SB129.pdf Maria Rodesno_FAV_SB129.pdf Nolvin Chavez_FAV_SB129.pdf Willians Sanchez__FAV_SB129.pdf |
JPR | |
Cruz, Jennifer | Fair | FAV | SB0129.pdf | JPR |
Montuori, Margaret | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0129 Oppose.pdf |
JPR | |
Chan, Sam | FAV | SB 129 - Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.pd | JPR | |
Emerson, Jessica | The Human Trafficking Prevention Project | FAV | HTPP SB 129 Testimony- FINAL.pdf | JPR |
Lopez, Eric | CAIR | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-2-2022 at 922 AM | JPR |