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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0092 - Places of Public Accommodation - Motion Picture Houses - Captioning

Judicial Proceedings 2/8/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/13/2025 2:59:36 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Brooks, Senator Brooks FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
London, Rachel Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council FAV SB 92.DD Council.Support.pdf JPR
Horton, Cleveland Maryland Commission on Civil Rights FAV SB 92 MCCR Close Caption Movie Theaters.02.08.24 ( JPR
DeBerry, Usherla Governor's Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing FAV ODHHHB426SB92testimony.pdf JPR
Brick, Kelby Service Coordination, Inc. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SCI Letter of Support (SB92&HB426).pdf
Steffy, Kevin FAV Testify for Open Caption Bill.pdf JPR
Kolp, Ande FAV SB92_The Arc Maryland_ Support.FINAL.pdf JPR
Fitzwater, Jessica Frederick County Executive FAV SB 0092, FAV, FCG OCE JF, LS24.pdf JPR
Rice, Mat FAV SB 92 Open Captioning.pdf JPR
Hartung, Bruce Maryland Continuing Care Residents Association FAV MaCCRA 2024 Testimony - Support - Senate Bill 92 - JPR
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony JPR
Gross, Kenneth UNF No Testimony JPR
Snyder, Abigail Baltimore Jewish Council FAV SB92- Places of Public Accomodation - Motion Pictu JPR
Drinkwater, Cody People On the Go Maryland FAV SB 92 Open Captioning.pdf JPR
So, Clement Metropolitan Asian Deaf Association FAV Letter of Support of Bill SB92 and HB0426.pdf JPR
DeSomma, Meredith FAV 551-600 Letter of Support.pdf
601-650 Letter of Support.pdf
651-700 Letter of Support.pdf
701-750 Letter of Support.pdf
751-800 Letter of Support.pdf
801-850 Letter of Support.pdf
851-900 Letter of Support.pdf
901-920 Letter of Support.pdf
Tilden, Deanna FAV 151-200 Letter of Support.pdf
201-250 Letter of Support.pdf
251-300 Letter of Support.pdf
301-350 Letter of Support.pdf
351-400 Letter of Support.pdf
401-450 Letter of Support.pdf
451-500 Letter of Support.pdf
501-550 Letter of Support.pdf
Sublett, Jenna INFO In Person - Oral Testimony
Levine, Adam Baltimore City, Solicitor Office FAV 2024SB0092 testimony.pdf JPR
BCAD, BCAD FAV Archdiocese of Baltimore HB 426 SB 92 Support.pdf
Bay Area CIL HB 426 and SB 92 Support.pdf
BCAD SB 92 Open Captioning Movie Bill.pdf
City of Baltimore SB 92 Support.pdf
City of Salisbury HB 426 SB 92 Support.pdf
DIG HB 426 and SB 92 Support.pdf
DILA SB 92 Support.pdf
HASA Support Letter HB 426 SB92.pdf
Parent Advocacy Consortium HB 426 - SB 92 Support.
Wash-CAP HB 426 and SB 92.pdf
MDAD President, MDAD President Maryland Association of the Deaf FAV AG Bell SB 92 Support.pdf
ALDA HB 426 SB 82 Support.pdf
Disability Rights of Maryland SB 92 Support.pdf
Maryland Association of the Deaf SB 92 Written Tes
Maryland School for the Deaf SB 92 Support.pdf
MDAD Coalition Letter - SB 92.pdf
MSD Columbia PTCA HB 426 SB 92 Support.pdf
MSD PSA HB 426 SB 92 Support.pdf
NAD SB 92 Support.pdf
TDI HB 426 and SB 92 Support.pdf
Brooks, Benjamin FWA SB92_Brooks.pdf JPR
Kelter, Chris Maryland Centers for Independent Living FAV IL Written Testimony SB 92 of 2024 FINAL.pdf JPR
Leffler, Jacob FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Green America SB 92 Support.pdf
HASA Support Letter HB 426 SB92.pdf
HCAD SB 92 Open Captioning .pdf
HLAA Montgomery County B 426 SB 92 Support.pdf
HLAA Prince George_s County SB 92 HB 426 Support.p
HLAA Washington State SB 92 Support.pdf
Jacob Leffler's Oral Testimony-3.pdf
MSADA SB 92 Support.pdf
PCRID SB 92 Support.pdf
PGCAD SB 92 Testimony.pdf
Joyner, Tina MDAD FAV 1-50 Letter of Support.pdf
101-150 Letter of Support.pdf
51-100 Letter of Support.pdf
Murdoch, Doug Mid-Atlantic NATO (National Assn of Theatre Owners) INFO In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 092_INFO_Mid-Atlantic NATO_2.8.24.pdf
Rosenberg, Melissa Autism Society Maryland FAV SB 92 Motion Picture Houses - Captioning JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-8-2024 at 231 PM JPR
Porter, Vikki Maryland Open Captioned Movies FAV SB 92 Motion Picture Houses - Captioning JPR
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