Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0023 - Equity in Transportation Sector - Guidelines and Analyses
Finance 1/26/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/23/2025 6:49:44 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Carter, Senator Carter | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
FIN | |
Carter, Jill | FAV |
Testimony_JPC_SB0023_LR1338 (1).pdf |
FIN | |
Badeker, Melissa | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022_Melissa | FIN |
Korin, Jon | FAV | BikeAAASupportSB23TransportationEquity-20220124.pd | FIN | |
Ditzler, Barbara | FAV | 1.26.2022 SB23 Equity in Transp Sector(HB 141).pdf | FIN | |
Shindel, Len | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Transit Equity 1.pdf |
FIN | |
Todd, Tamara | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.docx.pdf | FIN | |
Tulkin, Josh | MD Sierra Club | FAV | SB23_MDSierraClub_fav - 26Jan2022.pdf | FIN |
Schumitz, Kali | Maryland Center on Economic Policy | FAV | SB23_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf | FIN |
Girdner, Linnie | FAV | SB0023 Support Transportation Equity.pdf | FIN | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0023_Equity_in_Transportation_MLC_FAV.pdf | FIN |
Rehr, Nathan | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN | |
Fry, Donald | Greater Baltimore Committee | FWA | SB0023 - 01.26.22 -- Equity in Transportation Sect | FIN |
O'Connor, Monica | CCAN | FAV | Untitled document (2).pdf | FIN |
Smeton, Jonathan | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN |
Rubinstein, Gabriel | Disability Rights Maryland | FAV | Senate Bill 0023, Testimony of Disability Rights M | FIN |
Deutschmann, Richard | FAV | SB23_IndivisibleHoCoMD_FAV_RichardDeutschmann.pdf | FIN | |
Wivell, Brian | Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689 | FAV | HB141 - Equity in Transportation Sector - Guidelin | FIN |
Seel, Brian | FAV | sb 23.pdf | FIN | |
Ravichandran, Vivek | Submitting on Behalf of Dr. Sacoby Wilson at the Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH) at the University of Maryland School of Public Health | FAV | Favorable Testimonial for SB0023.pdf | FIN |
Kraska, MJ | Maryland Catholic Conference | FAV | MD Catholic Conference_FAV_SB0023.pdf | FIN |
Younts, Diana | MLC Climate Justice Wing | FAV | SB023-Transit Equity- Finance-CJW-FAV.pdf | FIN |
Krone, Christine | FAV | SB0023_FAV_MedChi_Equity in Trans. Sector - Guidel | FIN | |
Rosenthal, Anne | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN | |
Dwyer, Maura | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.docx.pdf | FIN | |
Juberg, Arielle | FAV | SB0023_Arielle Juberg_FAV.pdf | FIN | |
Hughes, Glendora | Maryland Commission on Civil Rights | FAV | 2022-01-21 MCCR - Equity in Transportation - SB 23 | FIN |
Dumais, Brige | 1199SEIU UHE | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB23 Favorable Testimony 1199SEIU.pdf |
Edwards, Donna | Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO | FAV | SB 23 - Equity in Transportation Sector.pdf | FIN |
E Latshaw, Megan | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony TEA 2022_SB0023.pdf |
FIN | |
Wilkins, Katherine | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.docx.pdf | FIN | |
Brown, Pamela | Maryland Association of Local Management Boards | FAV | Support for SB 23.pdf | FIN |
Yoder, Daryl | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN | |
Beller, Joel | Baltimore County Government | FAV | BaltimoreCounty_FAV_SB0023.pdf | FIN |
Yalov, Martha | AARP-Md | FWA | SB 23 Equity in Transportation Sector Guidelines a | FIN |
Barber, Claudia | Claudia Barber, Attorney at Law | FWA | SenateBilll23.2022.pdf | FIN |
Rodrigo, Julieta | Chesapeake Bay Foundation | FAV | SB 23_CBF SUPPORT.pdf | FIN |
Kerr, Cait | FAV | SB23_The Nature Conservancy_fav.pdf | FIN | |
Pereschuk, Alicia | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN | |
mcavoy, vince | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
FIN | |
Bogdan, Henry | Maryland Nonprofits | FAV | Senate Bill 23 - Transit Equity to Senate Finance. | FIN |
Benn, Sarahia | FAV | Policy Foundation of Maryland TESTIMONY FOR SB0023 | FIN | |
Kunze, Jennifer | Clean Water Action | FAV | Transportation Equity Act organizational sign-on.p | FIN |
Bartlett, Olivia | DoTheMostGood | FAV | SB0023-FAV-DTMG-1-26-22.pdf | FIN |
Palmisano, Erica | SURJ Baltimore | FAV | SB 23 - Transportation Equity Act of 2022.pdf | FIN |
London, Rachel | Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council | FAV | SB 23 - DD Coalition - Support - Transportation Eq | FIN |
Younts, Diana | Takoma Park Mobilization Environment Committee | FAV | SB023-TPMEC-Transit Equity- Finance-FAV.pdf | FIN |
Westervelt, Patricia | Maryland Department of Transportation | INFO | SB0023 - MTA - OPCP - Equity in Transportation Sec | FIN |
Leas, Stephen | FAV | Sunrise Movement MD Transit Equity Testimony.pdf | FIN | |
Jordan, Samuel | Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Testimony SB 0023 1-24.pdf |
Gottlieb , Cheryl | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
FIN | |
Feldmark, Joshua | Bike Maryland | FAV | S23_BikeMD_FAV | FIN |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 1-25-2022 at 427 PM | FIN |