Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1353 - Howard County - Board of Education Elections - Ranked-Choice Voting Ho. Co. 6-24
Ways and Means 3/5/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/6/2025 4:23:48 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Howard County Delegation, Howard County Delegation | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Lynch, Sarah | RepresentWomen | FAV | RCVMD Testimony HB1353_SB1129_fav.pdf | W&M |
Mettle, Laura | League of Women Voters of Howard County | FAV | Testimony on HB1353.pdf | W&M |
Tibbals, Trudy | UNF | Tibbals_ OPPOSE HB 1353_ Howard County - Board o | W&M | |
Bombardier Shaw, Alissa | RepresentWomen | FAV |
2024 Breaking Barriers For Black Women Candidates
2024-rcv-dashboard.pdf Howard County_ HB1353 _ SB1129 RepresentWomen Pro- |
W&M |
Richie, Robert | FairVote Action | FAV | Testimony_Howard_County_Rob Richie_3.5.2024.pdf | W&M |
Bogley, Laura | Maryland Right to Life | UNF | UNFAVORABLE.HB1353.SB1129.LauraBogley.MDRTL.pdf | W&M |
Drayton, Morgan | Common Cause MD | FAV | HB 1353 - Howard County – Board of Education Elect | W&M |
Doring, Rebecca | Howard County Delegation | FAV | HB1353_HoCo_Delegation_FAV.pdf | W&M |
Anderson, Owen | FAV | 03_01_24_FAVORABLETestimony_HB1353_SB1129.pdf | W&M | |
Williams, Peggy | UNF | HB1353 oppose.pdf | W&M |
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