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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1344 - Mental Health Law - Reform of Laws and Delivery of Service

Health and Government Operations 3/19/2021 4:00:00 PM
As of: 1/12/2025 3:12:58 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Kipke, Delegate Kipke FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Torrey, Fuller The Stanley Medical Research Institute FAV HB1344 testimony March 2021.pdf HGO
Reece, Thomas Maryland Correctional Administrators Association FAV MCAA Support HB1344 Mental Health Reform laws.pdf HGO
Grossi, Jeffrey Sheppard Pratt FAV Sheppard Pratt written testimony SB928HB1344 Menta HGO
Moran, Mary FAV HB 1344 Eichenberger Testimony .pdf
HB 1344 Granados - Testimony pdf.pdf
HB 1344 Proctor Testimony.pdf
HB 1344 Z. Smith -testimony.pdf
HB1344 Russell -Testimony.pdf
HB1344 AH - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 CIppolito - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 Custer-testimony.pdf
HB1344 CWeinberg - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 Moran Testimony.pdf
Hanson, Anne UNF No Testimony HGO
Mann, Ashia Help in the Home LLC FAV HB1344 Help in the Home testimony.pdf HGO
Kasemeyer, Pam Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. FAV No Testimony HGO
Janofsky, Jeffrey Maryland & Washington Psychiatric Society UNF No Testimony HGO
Breidenstine, Adrienne Behavioral Health System Baltimore UNF HB 1344 _Mental Health Law - Reform of Laws and De HGO
Diamond, Joanna Health Care for the Homeless UNF Health Care for the Homeless - HB 1344 OPP - Chang HGO
Tompsett, Thomas Harris Jones & Malone UNF HB 1334 - Oppose - MPS WPS.pdf HGO
Martin, Dan Mental Health Association of Maryland UNF HB1344 IVA Expansion UNFAV.pdf HGO
Martin, Marilyn FAV HB 1344 Martin Testimony.pdf
HB13344 Ranney-written.pdf
HB1344 Logan Testimon.pdf
HB1344 Pogliano Testimony.pdf
HB1344 SKneller - Testimony.pdf
O'Brien, Cameron SARDAA FAV HB1344 Diaz Testimony.pdf
HB1344 EKelley - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 Hill testimony.pdf
HB1344 JBoardman - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 JConnors - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 JGhowrwal - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 JKMcIver -Testimony.pdf
HB1344 KMann - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 KSmith - Testimony.pdf
HB1344 LMontaner - Testimony.pdf
Pickar, David David Pickar, MD FAV Testimony HB 1344.pdf HGO
Gilleland, Emily Office of Delegate Nic Kipke FAV HB1344 Defining Danger Standard - MCSMBH Hearing 2
HB1344 Defining the Danger Standard -Talking Point
HB1344 Kipke Testimony Favorable.pdf
HB1344 Maryland Danger Standard - testimony from f
HB1344 MD danger standard opposition rebuttal.pdf
HB1344Fiscal Note information SARDAA (1).pdf
Roskes, Erik UNF HB1344.Written testimony.Roskes.pdf HGO
Joseph, Temidayo UNF HB1344_written testimony_FINAL.pdf HGO
Knable, Michael FAV HB1344 testimony.pdf HGO
Cyphers, Moira Compass Government Relations FAV 2021 NAMI HB 1344 Danger Standard FAV.pdf HGO
Israel, Steven FWA Testimony-HB1344.pdf HGO
Brocato, Barbara INFO Maryland Psychological Association - Letter of Inf HGO
Bennardi, Maryland Department of Health /Office of Governmen Maryland Dept. of Health INFO 3 -HGO - HB 1344 - MDH - LOI.pdf HGO
Burton, Evelyn Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America (SARDAA), Maryland Chapter FAV HB1344 Testimony SARDAA.pdf HGO
Livshin, Michelle On Our Own of Maryland, Inc. UNF HB1344 - OPPOSE - On Our Own of Maryland.pdf HGO
Delegate Kipke, Delegate Kipke FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
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