Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1328 - Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Development and State Procurement
Economic Matters 2/29/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/14/2025 9:24:42 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Ziegler, Delegate Ziegler | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ECM | |
O'Keeffe, Kevin | Law Office of Kevin O'Keeffe | INFO | HB1328_LOI_ Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Deve | ECM |
Meyerovich, Mark | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Harbeson, Kristen | Maryland League of Conservation Voters | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB1328 - Maryland LCV SUPPORT - Solar Energy and E |
Fiore, Justin | Maryland Municipal League | FAV | MML-HB 1328 - FAV.pdf | ECM |
Gramp, Kathleen | Advocates for Herring Bay | FWA | HB1328-FWA-AdvocatesForHerringBay.pdf | ECM |
Raine, James | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Coale, Tom | PWRJ | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Sanderson, Michael | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB1328-ECM_MACo_SWA.pdf |
Thompson, Lindsay | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony 24 MGPA_HB1328_Solar Offsets_FAV.pdf |
ECM | |
Cohn, Debbie | FAV | Testimony on HB1328 FINAL.pdf | ECM | |
Ziegler, Natalie | FAV |
HB 1328 amendment 173825-1 farmer protections.pdf
HB 1328 amendment 413428-1 removing state procurem |
ECM | |
Klase, Anne | Pepco/DPL | INFO | 2024- HB1328- PHI- LOI.pdf | ECM |
Miller, John | Chaberton Energy | FWA | Chaberton Energy- John Miller- HB 1328 Written Tes | ECM |
Fahrig, Landon | Maryland Energy Administration | INFO | HB1328 - LOC.pdf | ECM |
Nissley, Lisa | DGS | INFO | 24 HB1328 Solar Energy DGS Position Statement.pdf | ECM |
Watts, Cyndy | Caroline County Commissioners Office | FAV | HB 1328 Solar Energy and Energy Storage Developmen | ECM |
Kerr, Cait | FAV | HB 1328 Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Developm | ECM | |
Dutta, Robin | Chesapeake Solar and Storage Association | FWA | CHESSA - MD - ECM Testimony HB1328 Fav with Amend | ECM |
Reed, Dytonia | BGE | INFO | BGE_ECM_LOI_House Bill 1328- Solar Energy and Ener | ECM |
Mayhew, Kim | Perry White Ross & Jacobson | UNF | Opposition Letter - HB1328.pdf | ECM |
Vaughan, Evan | Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition (MAREC Action) | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony ACP MAREC MD HB1328 FAV w Amendments Feb 28 2024.p |
Westervelt, Patricia | Maryland Department of Transportation | INFO | HB1328 - TSO - Solar Energy and Energy Storage - D | ECM |
Behler, Dylan | Maryland Department of Natural Resources | INFO | HB1328 _DNR_LOI_ECM_02-29-24.pdf | ECM |
D'Arcy, Megan | INFO | HB1328 - Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Develop | ECM | |
Villasenor, Ernesto | CCAN | FWA | Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Development and | ECM |
Harris, Mrs. | INFO | No Testimony | ECM | |
Meredith, Leah | Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) | FWA | SEIA Testimony HB1328.pdf | ECM |
Coggeshall, Charlie | Coalition for Community Solar Access | FWA | CCSA testimony_HB 1328_2-27-2024.pdf | ECM |
Cyphers, Moira | The American Clean Power Association | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Hoover, Frederick | Maryland PublicService Commission | INFO | HB 1328 _Information_PSC.pdf | ECM |
Jackson, Marcus | Associated Builders and Contractors | UNF | hb1328test - Solar Energy and Energy Storage – (De | ECM |
Hough, Tyler | Maryland Farm Bureau | FWA | Support with Amendments of HB1328 Solar Energy and | ECM |
Jones, Rachel | Maryland Department of Agriculture | INFO |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 1328 - Letter of Information.docx (2).pdf |