Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1293 - Maryland Department of Health - Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention
Health and Government Operations 3/6/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/8/2025 2:39:44 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Woods, Delegate Woods | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
HGO | |
Brown, Renaud | FAV | No Testimony | HGO | |
Cross, Cashenna | NAACP | FAV | No Testimony | HGO |
Harris, Mrs. | FAV | No Testimony | HGO | |
Morrow, Eric | ZERO Prostate Cancer | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Evans, Gerard | Evans & Associates, LLC | FAV | MRS Letter of Support HB 1293.pdf | HGO |
OMalley, Catherine | Women's Law Center | FAV | No Testimony | HGO |
Paul, Sarah | Maryland Rural Health Association | FAV | HB1293 Testimony.pdf | HGO |
Mabry, Michael | RadNet | FAV | RadNet response HB1293 breast lung prostate educat | HGO |
Krone, Christine | FWA | HB1293_FAV_MedChi, MDCSCO_MDH - Pub. Ed. Camp. Pro | HGO | |
Kess, NaShona | Maryland NAACP | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Kilpatrick, Lance | ACS-CAN | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony ACSCAN_FAVwAMENDMENTS_HB1293.pdf |
Kess, NaShona | Maryland NAACP | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Caplan, Jason | FWA | HB 1293 - HGO- MDH - LOSWA (1).pdf | HGO | |
Herrera Scott, Laura | Maryland Department of Health | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland | The Maryland House of Delegates | FAV | LBCMDletterofsupport | HGO |
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