Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1249 - I-495 and I-270 Public-Private Partnership - Partnership Agreement - Requirements (Maryland State Department of Transportation Promises Act of 2020)
Environment and Transportation 3/5/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/17/2024 2:45:10 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Korman, Delegate Korman | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 1249-Delegate Marc Korman |
ENT | |
Slater, Tina | FAV | Tina Slater_FAV_SB1249 | ENT | |
Lyons, Jane | Coalition for Smarter Growth | FAV | HB 1249-Coalition for Smarter Growth-FAV | ENT |
Mendelson, Lindsey | MD Sierra Club | FAV | HB1249_MdSierraClub_FAV | ENT |
Wenger, Melanie | MoCo | FAV | HB 1249_MoCo_Wenger_SUPPORT | ENT |
Ross, Benjamin | Maryland Transit Opportunities Coalition | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony MD Transit Opportunities Coalition HB1249 |
Sakata, Michael | Maryland Transportation Builders and Materials Association | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB1249_MTBMA_UNF |
Klinefelter, Marshall | Maryland Asphalt Association | UNF | HB1249_MAA_UNF | ENT |
Campion, LOUIS | UNF | HB1220, 1249, 1424 - MMTA - Oppose | ENT | |
Hybl, Lois | LWVMD | FAV | HB1249_LWVMD_FAV_LoisHybl | ENT |
Coren, Ellen | The Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB1249_GREATERBETHESDACHAMBER_UNF |
Kilpatrick, Lance | AFSCME 3 | FAV | AFSCME_FAV_HB1249 | ENT |
Ashton, Councilmember Monique | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony City of Rockville_Monique Ashton_FAV_HB1249 |
ENT | |
Tompsett, Tommy | ABC | UNF | No Testimony | ENT |
Hessler, Therese | Prince George's County Council | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Hessler, Therese | Prince George's County Council | FWA | HB 1249_FWA_PGCC | ENT |
graf, lori | Maryland building Industry Association | UNF | MBIA HB 1249 UNFAV (E&T) | ENT |
kane, john | citizens 4 traffic relief | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony Kane HB1249 Oppose |
Gardner, Adrian | MNCPPC | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 1249 I-495 and I-270 Public-Private Partnership |
Rubin, Carol | MNCPPC | FWA | No Testimony | ENT |
russel, jennifer | smta | UNF | J Russel SMTA written testimony for Bill HB 1249 | ENT |
Tosi, Jeff | INFO | HB1249 - MDOT Promises Act of 2020 - LOI FINAL | ENT | |
In Person - Oral Testimony CABE statement in support of HB 1249 |
Windley, Rob | SMTA | UNF | Rob Windley_SMTA_HB 1249 | ENT |
Testimony, All | N/A | No Testimony | ENT | |
Testimony, All | N/A | No Testimony | ENT | |
Testimony, All | N/A | No Testimony | ENT | |
Testimony, All | N/A | No Testimony | ENT |