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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1155 - Hospitals - Opioid Overdose and Opioid-Related Emergency Medical Conditions - Treatment

Health and Government Operations 3/1/2024 2:00:00 PM
As of: 2/12/2025 4:34:50 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Stewart, Delegate Stewart FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Weber, Ellen Legal Action Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Legal Action Center Testimony HB1155_FAV_Hospital_
Ciekot, Ann Public Policy Partners FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
NCADD-MD - 2024 HB 1155 FAV - Overdose Protocol in
Fuller, Drew FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony by Drew Fuller for House Bill 1155.pdf
Dayton, Jonathan Maryland Rural Health Association FAV HB1155 Testimony.docx.pdf HGO
Tompsett, Thomas Harris Jones & Malone FAV HB 1155 - Support - MPS WPS.pdf HGO
Wireman, Kim Powell Recovery Center, Inc. FAV MADC Hospital Opioid Overdose MAT HB 1155 Favorabl HGO
Rosier, Collan Pyramid Healthcare, Inc. FAV No Testimony HGO
Shadrix, Alyson FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Whitaker, Jake Maryland Hospital Association INFO HB 1155_MedicationAssistedTreatment_LOI.pdf HGO
Weintraub, Eric University Of Maryland, School Of Medici FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Weber, Leslie Johns Hopkins University & Medicine FWA HB1155 - Medication Assisted Treatment SWA.pdf HGO
Adams, MD, Joseph Maryland-DC Society of Addiction Medicine FWA MDDCSAM HB 1155 MOUD in hospitals.pdf HGO
Harris, Mrs. INFO No Testimony HGO
Christen, Austen FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Stewart, Vaughn FAV HB 1155 FAV Del Stewart.pdf HGO
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV HB1155-HGO-FAV.pdf HGO
Caplan, Jason FWA HB 1155 - HGO - MDH - LOSWA.pdf HGO
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