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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1149 - Medicaid Waiver Programs - Waitlist and Registry Reduction (End the Wait Act)

Health and Government Operations 3/7/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 10/10/2024 2:19:31 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Pena-Melnyk, Delegate Pena-Melnyk FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
London, Rachel Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 1149.DD Coalition.Support.pdf
Brocato, Deborah UNF 2023 HB1149 Written Testimony.pdf
Copy of FY2022 Abortion Reasons and Spending.pdf
DeMattos, Joseph Health Facilities Association of Maryland (HFAM) FAV HFAM Testimony HB 1149.pdf HGO
Peña-Melnyk, Joseline MGA Delegate Pena-Melnyk FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 1149 End the Wait SPONSOR DelJPenaMelnyk FWA 23
Arneson, Emily Kennedy Krieger Institute FAV HB1149_Waitlist_KennedyKrieger_Support.pdf HGO
Wylie, Devin People On the Go Maryland FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 1149 ETWN.DD Coalition.Support.pdf
Duffy, Suzanne Concerned Citizen FAV No Testimony HGO
Colchamiro, Eric Alzheimers Association FAV HB1149_FAV_AlzheimersAssociationMD.pdf HGO
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV No Testimony HGO
Greenfield, Aaron FAV LeadingAge Maryland - 2023 - HB 1149 - medicaid wa HGO
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County INFO HB1149_MoCo_Frey_INFO.pdf HGO
Ames, Randi Disability Rights Maryland FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
(MD), State of Maryland INFO 19 - HB 1149 - HGO - MDH - LOI.docx.pdf HGO
Martinez, Madelin Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus FAV HB1149 Bill Testimony.docx.pdf HGO
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