Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1143 - Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission - Establishment
Health and Government Operations 2/28/2024 1:00:00 PM
Finance 3/28/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/8/2025 2:03:39 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Bhandari, Delegate Bhandari | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
HGO | |
Miller Smith, Nora | League of Women Voters Maryland | FAV | HB 1143- LWVMD- FAV- Emergency Medical Services- M | HGO |
Palmisano, Anna | Marylanders for Patient Rights | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB1143_Marylanders for Patient Rights_fav.pdf |
Pinton, Luke | Funk & Bolton, P.A. | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Kromm, Jonathan | Maryland HSCRC | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Meyerovich, Mark | FAV | No Testimony | HGO | |
Crespo, Virginia | FAV | HB1143.EDwait.24.pdf | HGO | |
Delbridge, Theodore | Maryland Institute for EMS Systems (MIEMSS) | FWA |
HB 1143_EMS_Maryland Emergency Dept Wait Time Redu
HB 1143_EMS_Maryland Emergency Dept Wait Time Redu |
Bhandari, Harry | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
HGO | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB1143_Emergency_Department_Wait_Times_MLC_FAV.pdf | HGO |
Frey, Leslie | Montgomery County | FWA | HB1143_MoCo_Frey_FWA.pdf | HGO |
Kauffman, Danna | INFO | HB1143_LOI_MDACEP_EMS - ED Wait Time Reduction Com | HGO | |
Bresnahan, Tammy | AARP Maryland | FAV | HB1143 Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Red | HGO |
Harris, Mrs. | FAV | No Testimony | HGO | |
(MD), State of Maryland | FWA | HB 1143 - HGO - HSCRC - LOSWA.docx.pdf | HGO | |
Taylor, Allison | Kaiser Permanente | FWA | HB 1143_ED Wait Times Commission_SWA.pdf | HGO |
Paul, Sarah | Maryland Rural Health Association | FAV | HB1143 Testimony.pdf | HGO |
Caplan, Jason | FWA | HB 1143 - HGO- MDH- LOS.docx.pdf | HGO | |
Whitaker, Jake | Maryland Hospital Association | INFO | HB 1143_Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emer | HGO |
Themelis, Nina | Mayor's Office of Government Relations | FWA | HB1143-HGO-FWA (1).pdf | HGO |
Kolp, Ande | FAV | HB1143_The Arc Maryland_ Support.pdf | HGO | |
mcavoy, vince | FAV | No Testimony | HGO | |
Grant, Marie | MDH | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Jones, Ricarra | Emergency Medical Services | FWA | 1199SEIU | HGO |
Delegate Bhandari, Delegate Bhandari | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
FIN | |
Hartung, Bruce | Maryland Continuing Care Residents Association | FAV | MaCCRA Testimony 2024 - Support - House Bill 1143 | FIN |
(MD), State of Maryland | FAV | HB 1143 - FIN - HSCRC - LOS.docx.pdf | FIN | |
Frey, Leslie | Montgomery County | FAV | HB1143_MoCo_Frey_FAV.pdf | FIN |
Kauffman, Danna | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Crespo, Virginia | FAV | HB1143.EDwait.24.pdf | FIN | |
mcavoy, vince | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Delbridge, Theodore | Maryland Institute for EMS Systems (MIEMSS) | FWA | HB 1143_EMS_Maryland Emergency Dept Wait Time Redu | FIN |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB1143_Emergency_Department_Wait_Times_MLC_FAV.pdf | FIN |
Whitaker, Jake | Maryland Hospital Association | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Kolp, Ande | FAV | HB1143_The Arc Maryland_Support- in Senate.pdf | FIN | |
Bhandari, Harry | FAV | HB1143 Testimony.docx.pdf | FIN | |
Themelis, Nina | Mayor's Office of Government Relations | FWA | HB1143-FIN-FWA.pdf | FIN |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 3-28-2024 at 713 AM | FIN |
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