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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1129 - Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossings

Environment and Transportation 2/28/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/19/2025 5:04:31 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Ruth, Delegate Ruth FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Radov, Lisa Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc. FAV Wildlife – Protections and Highway Crossings - HB ENT
Pedersen, Stacy UNF No Testimony ENT
DOrazio, Peter Year UNF No Testimony ENT
Love, William UNF No Testimony ENT
boos, Misty FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB1129 MD Written Testimony.pdf
Egan, Nancy UNF HB 1129 Wildlife Crossing Fund UNF APCIA 0228224. ENT
Davlin, Sharon FAV No Testimony ENT
Colangelo, Diana FAV Support of HB1129.pdf ENT
Dodson, Sandra INFO MAIF - Testimony - HB 1129 - 2-28-24.pdf ENT
Wilkinson, nanci Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Environmental Justice Ministry FAV No Testimony ENT
Parsa, Carolyn FAV HB1129_MDSierraClub_fav_ET 28Feb2024.pdf ENT
Williams, Peggy UNF hb1129 oppose.pdf ENT
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony ENT
Christian, Logan National Caucus of Environmental Legislators INFO HB 1129 - NCEL Informational Testimony.pdf ENT
Southerland, Mark Vernal Pool Partners FAV Testimony of Dr Mark Southerland Vernal Pool Partn ENT
Bevan-Dangel, Jennifer Humane Society of the United States FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ostdahl, Maggie National Aquarium FAV National Aquarium - HB1129 - Favorable.pdf ENT
Thompson, Lindsay FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
24 MGPA_HB1129_Wildlife crossings.pdf
Volkmar, Leslie UNF No Testimony ENT
Law, Elizabeth FAV No Testimony ENT
Garrison, Johnathan Susquehannock Wildlife Society FAV HB1129-Testimony-Susquehannock-Wildlife-Society-.p ENT
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony ENT
Diefenbach, Linda UNF No Testimony ENT
Kerr, Cait FAV HB 1129 Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossin ENT
Conway, Mark Chesapeake Conservancy FAV Mark Conway - Support Letter - Wildlife - Protecti ENT
Russell, Karen Climate Change Working Group of Frederick County FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Wildlife Corridor PaperFinal copy.pdf
Wildlife Crossings Oral Testimony.pdf
Bierer-Garrett, Lisa FAV No Testimony ENT
Hummel, Lani FAV ih5nb-w5vzk (1).pdf ENT
Ruth, S FAV 16AF2166-F9B7-4861-9F09-DE9899D16C4F.pdf
HB1129 - Ruth - Sponsor Testimony - FAV.docx.pdf
Sirkel, Robin UNF No Testimony ENT
Harris, Mrs. FAV No Testimony ENT
Katz, Janet UNF No Testimony ENT
Harting, Marta Venable UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
State Farm Testimony -- Wildlife Crossings HB1129_
Helm, Pilar Maryland Department of Transportation INFO HB1129 - Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossi ENT
Popham, Bryson Bryson F. Popham, P.A. UNF HB 1129_UNF_MAMIC.pdf ENT
Price, Suzanne Concerned Citizen UNF HB1129 .pdf ENT
sirkel, jess UNF No Testimony ENT
Ditraglia, Frank UNF No Testimony ENT
Fullerton, Kimberly Maryland State Bar Association - Animal Law Section FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
D'Arcy, Megan FAV HB1129 -Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossin ENT
Arshavsky, Svetlana UNF No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-28-2024 at 1214 PM ENT
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