Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB1006 - State Highway Administration - Vegetation Management - Pollinator Habitat Plan
Environment and Transportation 3/3/2023 1:00:00 PM
Finance 3/23/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/7/2024 4:20:20 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Ruth, Delegate Ruth | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ENT | |
Parsa, Carolyn | FAV | HB1006_MDSierraClub_fav 3March2023.pdf | ENT | |
Pluta, Matt | ShoreRivers | FAV | HB1006_Testimony_ShoreRivers_SUPPORT.pdf | ENT |
Westervelt, Patricia | Maryland Department of Transportation | INFO | HB1006 - SHA - Pollinator Habitat Plan - LOI_FINAL | ENT |
Myers, Doug | Chesapeake Bay Foundation | FAV | HB 1006_CBF_FAV.pdf | ENT |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Goldstein, Mathew | Secular Maryland | FAV | HB 1006_mgoldstein_fav 2023.pdf | ENT |
Ruth, S | FAV | HB1006 - Ruth - Sponsor Testimony - FAV.pdf | ENT | |
Bartolomeo, Kathleen | GCAN, MCRT | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Wilpers, Michael | Sierra Club MD Chapter | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Bassett, Elle | Arundel Rivers Federation | FAV | Arundel Rivers Testimony FAV HB1006. Native plants | ENT |
Delegate Ruth, Delegate Ruth | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
FIN | |
Jasen, Debi | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Ranson, Emily | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Arndt, Dave | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | No Testimony | FIN |
Deutschmann, Richard | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Feighner, Liz | FAV | No Testimony | FIN | |
Ruth, S | FAV |
HB1006 - Ruth - Sponsor Testimony - FAV.pdf
UMD-SHA Pollinator Habitat Mowing Study.pdf |
FIN | |
Stegman, Matt | Chesapeake Bay Foundation | FAV | HB 1006 CBF FAV FIN.pdf | FIN |
Parsa, Carolyn | FAV | HB1006_MDSierraClub_fav 23March2023.pdf | FIN | |
Wilpers, Michael | Sierra Club MD Chapter | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Westervelt, Patricia | Maryland Department of Transportation | INFO | HB1006 - SHA - Pollinator Habitat Plan - LOI_FINAL | FIN |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 3-22-2023 at 307 PM | FIN |