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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0596 - Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights

Environment and Transportation 2/23/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/21/2024 12:16:33 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Fisher, W., Delegate Fisher, W. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Todd, Robin Maryland Ornithological Society FAV MOS HB0596 Constitutional Amendment-Environmental ENT
Jakuta, Joseph Climate Parents of Prince George's FAV HB0596 - EHRA - Testimony - Climate Parents of Pri ENT
Cleghorn, J. Stephen Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cleghorn Testimony HB 596 E&T Committee 2-23-22 WR
Englebright, Steve FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
braver, cleo FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cardin, Nina FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2022.02.20pm MDEHR House Testimony final.pdf
NBCardin House testimony 2022 for HB 596.pdf
Jarvis, Barbara FAV HB596LTR.pdf ENT
Ball, Teresa FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Wilkinson, nanci Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Environmental Justice Ministry FAV Environmental Human Rights Amendt.pdf ENT
shahinian, katharine Linda Boyd & Episcopal Diocese of MD FAV HB 596 & SB 783Testimony Episcopal Diocese of MD.p ENT
Phelps, Ken Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network FAV 2022 HB 0596 - FAVORABLE.pdf ENT
Boyd, David FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Hartwell, Staci NAACP FAV NAACP MSC ECJ HB0596 Constitutional Amendment Envi ENT
Moore, Thomas Earle 3rd Rock Research FAV HB0596ThomasMoore.pdf ENT
Tulkin, Josh MD Sierra Club FAV HB596_MDSierraClub_fav - 23Feb2022.pdf ENT
Simon, Robert Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home FAV HB 596_Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home_FAV. ENT
Breen, John FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony DOCS JWB HB0596.pdf
Day, Jacob City of Salisbury FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mayor Day HB 596 FAV Testimony.pdf
Rosenthal, Lore FAV HB596-ENT-GCAN-FAV.pdf ENT
Herschbach, Elisabeth FAV HB0596_eherschbach_MDEHR_fav..pdf ENT
Avins, Miriam Baltimore City Commission on Sustainability FAV Balt Sust Commn HB596 - Const Amendment.pdf ENT
Voytek, Maddy MD Chamber of Commerce UNF HB 596_MDCC_Constitutional Amendment-Environmental ENT
Powell, Michael Gordon Feinblatt, LLC UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Final Opposition to HB596.pdf
Rose, Jodi Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake FAV EHRA House ENT Feb 2022.pdf ENT
Littleton, Matt FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Percival, Robert FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cook, Cara FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ANHE Testimony HB 0596 Constitutional Amendment -
Miller, Claire Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights FAV HB596_MDEHR_Fav_150 Organizations in Support_Lette
HB596_MDEHR_Fav_Maryland Civic Leaders Letter of S
HB596_MDEHR_Fav_MDEHRA Petition-merged FINAL.pdf
Isaacson, Evan Chesapeake Legal Alliance FAV HB 596 - CLA Testimony.pdf ENT
Porter, Holly UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
2022 HB 596 Environmental Rights.pdf
Cowan, Eleanor Compass Advocacy FAV No Testimony ENT
Schreiber- Pan, Heidi FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Heidi SP Testimony .pdf
Papillon, Mickey International Council of Shopping Centers UNF Final ICSC Opposes Maryland HB 596.pdf ENT
Latshaw, Megan FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Megan Latshaw.pdf
McClellan, Maureen MDEHR FAV HB0596_mmcclellan_MDEHR_fav .pdf ENT
Neuman, Margaret Sierra Club Maryland Chapter FAV HB0596_mneuman_MDEHR_fav.pdf ENT
Lacock-Nisly, Jonathan Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) FAV Testimony for IPL on HB 596 - Constitutional Amend ENT
Arndt, Dave FAV No Testimony ENT
Kury, Franklin FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kury Testimony Final SC.pdf
DuBois, Gwen Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB596finalgwen Human Rights amendment testimony223
Hance, Rosa Sierra Club Maryland Chapter FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Gayle, Linda FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Peterson, Matt FAV HB 596 - Constitutional Amendment – Environmental ENT
Jackson, Jennifer FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kemerer, Hannibal Office of Attorney General FAV 2022-02-23 HB 596 (Support).pdf ENT
Chitalia, Suhani FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
ACNM HB 596.pdf
B Local Mid-Atlantic MD Amend Enviro Human Rights
Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth.pdf
Episcopal testimony.pdf
Larry Ryan.pdf
Rev Robert Early Walker.pdf
Kraska, MJ Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference_FAV_HB0596.pdf ENT
Waters, Noah FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mayor Waters.pdf
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV HB0596_EHRA_MLC_FAV.pdf ENT
Ashley-Williams, Wandra FAV HB0596_washley-williwma_CXC_Fav.pdf ENT
Kranz, Rhonda Takoma Park Mobilization Environment Committee FAV Testimony(HB596) MD Environmental Human Rights Ame ENT
Hinton, Dellyne FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Dewane, Maggie FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Graf, Lori Maryland Building Industry Association UNF MBIA Letter of Opposition HB 596.pdf ENT
Butchko, Dominic Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Simon, Kristi Central Maryland Chamber of Commerce UNF HB596- Constitutional Amendment- Clean Environment ENT
Clark, Robin Jessica Chesapeake Bay Foundation FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Avula, Vennela FAV EHRA_Testimony_022321_2.pdf ENT
Harris, Debbie Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights FAV HB0596_DHarris_MDEHR_fav.pdf ENT
hill, barry Maryland environmental and human rights coalition FAV final house testimony of Barry E. Hill.pdf ENT
Kuhns, Theresa Maryland Realtors UNF HB596 22 Testimony .pdf ENT
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV hb596, constitutional environmental right, 2022.pd ENT
Goldstein, Mathew Secular Maryland FAV HB 596_mgoldstein_fav 2022.pdf ENT
Clark, Rachel Evans & Associates, LLC UNF HB 596_MAA_UNF.pdf
HB 596_MTBMA_UNF.pdf
Redicker, Jane UNF HB596 - Constitutional Amendment - Environmental R ENT
Fisher, Wanika FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB596 Testimony.pdf
Kasemeyer, Pam UNF HB0596_UNF_NWRA_Constitutional Amend. - Env. Right ENT
Wilson, Sacoby University of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Grzyb, Sarah FAV HB 596 Testimony SG pdf.pdf ENT
Bartlett, Olivia DoTheMostGood FAV HB0596-FAV-DTMG-2-23-22.pdf ENT
Sharma, Riya FAV MDEHRA Rally.pdf ENT
McNair, Lee Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry FAV Testimony - HB0596 - Environmental Human Rights Am ENT
Bogdan, Henry Maryland Nonprofits FAV No Testimony ENT
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Lindquist, Ayia FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
McGilvray, Laurie Takoma Park Mobilization Environment Committee FAV SB596-MDEnvironHumanRights-E&T-TPMEC-fav.pdf ENT
Kravitz, Beri FAV HB0596_kravitz_MDEHR_fav.pdf ENT
DeMartino, Mary Beth National Association of Social Workers - Maryland Chapter FAV No Testimony ENT
Eck, Raimee Maryland Public Health Association FAV HB596-MdPHA-FAV.pdf ENT
Ferguson, Colby Maryland Farm Bureau UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Opposition of HB 596 - Constitutional Amendment -
Valantine, Diane None FAV HB 596 Testimony (Valantine, Diane).pdf ENT
Schmitt, Katlyn Center for Progressive Reform FAV CPR Environmental Human Rights Amendment Testimony ENT
Hunter, Casey League of Women Voters of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2-23 NT LH HB0596 Testimony - February 23,
Hill, Beth UNF MFA HB596 Opposition.pdf ENT
Raindrop, Bonnie Smart on Pesticides FAV HB0596_FAV_SmartOnPesticides.pdf ENT
Smith, Mitchell FAV pass hb596.pdf ENT
Dahl, Elizabeth FAV HB596_Dahl_Fav.pdf ENT
Norton, Ruth Ann Green & Healthy Homes Initiative FAV GHHI Written Testimony - HB596.docx.pdf ENT
MacGillis, Harry Baltimore Beyond Plastic FAV Support HB596 BBP 2022.pdf ENT
Stoica, Ioana FAV HB0596_IoanaStoica_FAV.pdf ENT
Bailey, Angelica Maryland Municipal League UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 596_UNF_MML.pdf
Thompson, Lindsay UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Barrett, Nancy UMD's SGA Sustainability Committee FAV SSC EHRA (HB596) Testimony.pdf ENT
Peltier, Laurel Energy Supplier Reform Coalition-will testify FAV HB596-FAVORABLE-PELTIER.pdf ENT
Leas, Stephen FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Webster, Phil UULM-MD FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Martinez, Madelin MD Legislative Latino Caucus FAV HB 596 Latino Caucus FAV ENT
Martinez, Madelin FAV HB596_FAV_Latino_Caucus ENT
Carella, Veronika MD CEHC Legislative Director FAV HB596_FAV_Carella ENT
Psota, John Wicomico County Executive UNF No Testimony ENT
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-24-2022 at 1003 AM ENT
Burke, Camille CEJSC FAV HB596_FAV_Burke ENT
Matthews, Dakota Rural Maryland Council UNF HB596_UNF_Matthews ENT
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