Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0579 - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals – Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024)
Economic Matters 2/22/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/18/2025 9:09:53 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Speaker, Speaker | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ECM | |
Demiray, Sonia | Climate Communications Coalition | UNF | InfrastructureTestimonyHB0579.pdf | ECM |
Sheppard, Dale | FAV | Bowers Definition of Generating Station HB0579 Let | ECM | |
Albacarys, Rico | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 24 | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Isaacson, Evan | Chesapeake Legal Alliance | UNF | CLA Unfavorable HB 579.pdf | ECM |
Peters, Sarah | Husch Blackwell Strategies | FAV | MCIES LOS Data Center Legislation FINAL.pdf | ECM |
Donoughe, Walter | Maryland Economic Council | FAV | Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act HB 579.pd | ECM |
Schaeffer, Allen | Engine Technology Forum | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony ETF Comments to MD House HB0579 and Senate SB0474_ |
Anderson, Kevin | Maryland Department of Commerce | FAV | HB 579_Commerce_Critical Infrastructure Streamlini | ECM |
Towsend, Pegeen | Maryland Hospital Association | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 579 – Certificate of Public Convenience and Nec |
Kickenson, Jerry | UNF | Testimony in opposition to HB579.pdf | ECM | |
quinn, brian | Venable LLP | FAV | TidalHB579.pdf | ECM |
Mayhew, Kim | Perry White Ross & Jacobson | FAV | HB0579 Support Letter - Critical Infrastructure.pd | ECM |
Sanderson, Michael | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0579-ECM_MACo_SUP.pdf |
Love, William | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Weldon, Richard | Frederick County Chamber of Commerce | FAV | 0436_001.pdf | ECM |
Clark, Rachel | Evans & Associates, LLC | FAV | QL's Letter of Support - Chairman C.T. Wilson.pdf | ECM |
Guitarra, Denisse | Nature Forward | UNF |
Virtual - Oral Testimony Nature Forward - HB579 - UNFAVORABLE.pdf |
Arndt, Dave | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Roth, Sarah | Office of Congressman David Trone (MD06) | FAV | 240220_HB579_Certificate of Public Convenience and | ECM |
Harbeson, Kristen | Maryland League of Conservation Voters | FWA |
Miller, Susan | UNF | Earthjustice HB 579 Comments.pdf | ECM | |
Stierli, Edward | National Parks Conservation Association | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony NPCA Comments on HB0579 20202024.pdf |
Davis, Charlotte | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB579 RMC Support Testimony.pdf |
ECM | |
Levi, Josh | Data Center Coalition | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
McGilvray, Laurie | Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition | UNF | HB0579 _Critical Infrastructure Act_ECM_CJW UNFAVO | ECM |
Huber, Roberta | private citizen | UNF | House Bill 579.pdf | ECM |
Edwards, Donna | Maryland State & DC AFL-CIO | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 579 - Certificate of Public Convenience and Nec |
Law, Elizabeth | INFO |
ABB-1VPD110001A0635 Datasheet eStorage Max v6.pdf
EL_GBL_2022_09_Data_Center_Sustainability_whitepap HB 579 Testimony-Informational Only.pdf How Noise Affects Children.pdf Sound Level and Its Effects.pdf |
ECM | |
Clark, Tom | IBEW 26 | FAV | HB 579 Support 2024.pdf | ECM |
Teffeau, Matthew | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Support- HB 579- Certificate of Public Convenience |
ECM | |
Leonard, Victoria | Baltimore-DC Building Building Trades | FAV | HB 579 Greg Akerman BDCBT (SUPPORT).pdf | ECM |
Gallagher, Patrice | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Fahrig, Landon | Maryland Energy Administration | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0579 (SB0474) - FAV.pdf |
Snyder, Kurt | Sheet Metal Contractors National Association | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 579 testimony_Kurt Snyder.pdf |
Elaine, Arndt | SELF | UNF | No Testimony | ECM |
McColgan, Kyle | Greater Washington Board of Trade | FAV | HB0579_GreaterWashingtonBoardofTrade_FAV.pdf | ECM |
Griffith, Anna | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB579 - Oppose.pdf |
ECM | |
Ascher, Jason | Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association | FAV | Jason Ascher - Support - HB 579– Certificate of P | ECM |
Cohn, Debbie | FWA | Testimony HB579.pdf | ECM | |
Vetter, Drew | FAV | HB0579_FAV_MTC_CPCN & Rel. Approvals - Def. & Gen. | ECM | |
Schulz, Kelly | Maryland Tech Council | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Levine, Brian | Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce | FAV | HB0579 -- Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act | ECM |
Romo, Martin | FAV | HB 579 - Rowan Letter of Support.pdf | ECM | |
Bagwell, Ashlie | FAV | 2024 Aligned HB 579 Support.pdf | ECM | |
Broder, Robin | Waterkeepers Chesapeake | UNF | Unfavorable-HB579 Critical Infrastructure Streamli | ECM |
Bean, Carol | Eastern Shore Land Conservancy | UNF | Data Center bill.HB579.SK.pdf | ECM |
Ballard, James | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0579_Ballard.pdf |
ECM | |
Tulkin, Josh | MD Sierra Club | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0579_MDSierraClub_Opp 22February 2024.pdf |
Ratul, Saif | Legislative Office of the Governor | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Final Testimony for HB579 - Critical Infrastructur |
Kane, Mary | Maryland Chamber of Commerce | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 579_MDCC_Critical Infrastructure Streamlining A |
Black, Stephen | Sugarloaf Alliance | UNF | SugarloafHB579OPPOSE.pdf | ECM |
Kranz, Rhonda | Maryland Legislative Coalition Climate Justice Wing | UNF | HB0579 Opposition 2-22-24.pdf | ECM |
Leach, Gabrielle | MDE | FAV | HB 579 Support Statement (MDE) | ECM |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 3-5-2024 at 1022 AM | ECM |
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