Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0452 - Individual Tax Preparers - Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act)
Ways and Means 2/8/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/13/2025 4:30:08 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Speaker, Speaker | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Halpern, MB | Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA) | FAV | HB 452 MACPA Written Testimony _ FAVORABLE (1).pdf | W&M |
Little, Kobi | Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 452 FINAL WR Testimony.pdf MSATP.pdf |
W&M |
Hardt, John | Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony MVLS Written Testimony HB0452 Page 1.pdf MVLS Written Testimony HB0452 Page 2.pdf |
W&M |
Moore, Tonaeya | CASH CAMPAIGN OF MARYLAND | FAV | 02.06 - HB 452 - Individual Tax Preparers - Code o | W&M |
Schumitz, Kali | Maryland Center on Economic Policy | FAV | HB 452_MD Center on Econoimc Policy_FAV.pdf | W&M |
Klingenmaier, Lisa | Maryland Rise | FAV | MD Rise - HB 452 - Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act - F | W&M |
Lanza, Luz | Comptroller’s Hagerstown call center | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB452 - Written testimony of Luz Lanza Taxpayer Se |
W&M |
Lierman, Brooke | Comptroller of Maryland | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB452 - Written Testimony by Comptroller Lierman - |
W&M |
Lierman, Brooke | Comptroller of Maryland | FAV | HB452 - Victoria.Law.Board.Testimony in Support.pd | W&M |
Kelly, Victoria | Maryland Board of Individual Tax Preparers | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Victoria.Law.Board.Testimony in Support of HB452.p |
W&M |
Straughn, Karen | Office of the Attorney General | FAV | OAG Fav 452 | W&M |
Dove, John | Maryland Department of Labor | FAV | MDL Fav | W&M |
Avila, Jason | Maryland Latino Legislative Caucus | FAV | MLLC HB452 FAV | W&M |