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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0319 - Juvenile Justice Restoration Act of 2024

Judiciary 2/8/2024 12:00:00 PM
As of: 2/19/2025 6:43:22 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Kipke, Delegate Kipke FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Phelps, Mary FAV No Testimony JUD
Ford, John UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.pdf JUD
sirkel, jess FAV No Testimony JUD
Shillenn, Rebecca SURJ Baltimore UNF HB319 opposition RMS.pdf JUD
Volkmar, Leslie FAV No Testimony JUD
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County UNF No Testimony JUD
Phelps Jr, Ken The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
2024 hb0319 testimony in opposition.pdf
DOrazio, Peter Year FAV No Testimony JUD
Juberg, Arielle UNF HB319_ArielleJuberg_Unfav.pdf JUD
Sirkel, Robin FAV No Testimony JUD
Carpenter, Crystal CFSY UNF No Testimony JUD
Lotridge, Keith Office of the Public Defender, UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Johnson, Sarah UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.pdf JUD
Price, Suzanne Concerned Citizen FAV No Testimony JUD
Kickenson, Jerry UNF No Testimony JUD
Palmisano, Erica SURJ Baltimore UNF HB319 Opposition to Changing CIPA.pdf JUD
Cooper, Elianna Jews United for Justice UNF No Testimony JUD
Diefenbach, Linda FAV No Testimony JUD
Yoder, Daryl UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.pdf JUD
Wendel, Sara UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 319 Written Testimony - Unfavorable.pdf
Virgin, Emily Human Rights for Kids UNF No Testimony JUD
Pedersen, Stacy FAV No Testimony JUD
Katz, Janet FAV No Testimony JUD
Keipper, Lindsay Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.docx.pdf JUD
Szeliga, Kathy Maryland State Delegate FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
2024 HB319 Juvenile Justice Reform w Amendments fi
Eckel, Rianna SURJ Baltimore UNF Eckel HB319 opposition .pdf JUD
Hamill, Russell Maryland Chief's and Sheriffs Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Tsiongas, Magdalena UNF No Testimony JUD
Simon-Higgs, Liz Showing Up for Racial Justice UNF HB319_simonhiggs_OPPOSE_2024.pdf JUD
Mehu, Natasha Chiefs and Sheriffs Associations FAV MCPA-MSA_HB 134, HB 313, HB 314, HB 319, HB 322, H JUD
Walker, Evelyn Maryland Office of the Public Defender UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Shier, Michael FOP FAV No Testimony JUD
Lang, Alan FAV No Testimony JUD
Goemann, Melissa National Youth Justice Network UNF No Testimony JUD
Aanenson, Karalyn Maryland Department of Juvenile Services UNF HB 319_Final.pdf JUD
Gilleland, Emily Office of Delegate Nic Kipke FAV HB319_Kipke 2024.pdf JUD
Kolakoski, Virginia FAV No Testimony JUD
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA UNF No Testimony JUD
Benjaminson, Heather FAV No Testimony JUD
Lanaux, Marguerite Maryland Public Defenders Office UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Wilt, Laura Frederick Co State's Attorney's Office FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Friedman, David UNF HB319_DavidFriedman_UNFAV.pdf JUD
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.pdf JUD
Wilkins, Katherine SURJ UNF HB319 opposition to changing CIPA.docx.pdf JUD
Gallagher, George ICQ FAV No Testimony JUD
consoli, angelo FOP Lodge 89 and Maryland State Lodge FAV No Testimony JUD
Williams, Peggy FAV No Testimony JUD
Wilkerson, Alice Advance Maryland UNF No Testimony JUD
Shifrin, Jo UNF No Testimony JUD
Elbourn, James FAV No Testimony JUD
Arshavsky, Svetlana FAV No Testimony JUD
Morrow, Ed and Carla FAV Written Testimony JUD
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