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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0304 - State and Local Government - Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement

Judiciary 3/3/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 1/17/2025 5:50:42 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Fisher, W., Delegate Fisher, W. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Benitez, Deysi FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Gutierrez, José FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Lazar, Corey The Vera Institute of Justice FAV Vera SAFE Testimony on HB0304 for MD House Judicia JUD
Gonzalez, Glenda FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Garay, Flor Public Justice Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Gallegos, Margarita FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Katz, Nick FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
DiCola, Jazmin FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
MacShane, Ben FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Hagen, Kai FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Quintanilla, Flor FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Silver, Joanna Joanna Silver FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Joanna Silver HB304 Testimony in Support.pdf
Spielberger, Joe ACLU of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Council Member Fitzwater Testimony HB 0304.pdf
David Bass HB304.pdf
Frederick Alderpersons HB0304- .pdf
HB 304_FAV_ACLU_Spielberger.pdf
Mayor Frederick Favorable HB 304.pdf
Micaela Soria HB304.pdf
Michelle Cuseo HB304.pdf
Rosario Campos HB304.pdf
Vanessa Vasquez HB304.pdf
Fisher, Calvin FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Grimes, Seth Takoma Park Mobilization FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
TPM testimony on 2021 HB0304 Participation in Fede
Lorenzo, Faviola FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Valentin-Castoñon, Eliezer FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Garcia, William FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Perez, Maria FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Benitez-Perez, Jorge FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Wilson, Lorraine FAV testimony on Trust Act 2021.pdf JUD
Truong, Hieu Baltimore Asian Resistance in Solidarity FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Rehr, Nathan FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Elalamy, Sara Maryland Judiciary UNF MD Judiciary - Testimony HB 304.pdf JUD
Fertig, Benjamin FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Harrison, Jeffrey FAV FAV_HB304_Jeffrey_Harrison.pdf JUD
Tuttle, Jean self UNF Oppose HB 304.pdf JUD
Conner, Charles Office of the Baltimore County Executive FAV BaltimoreCounty_FAV_HB0304.pdf JUD
Shillenn, Rebecca FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Kleinman, Jan SURJ FAV SURJ Trust Act 2021 3 1.pdf JUD
Essaheb, Megan Asian Americans Advancing Justice|AAJC FAV MD Trust Act testimony 3-1-21 JUD.pdf JUD
Bass, David FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Isaula, Yovani FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Madan, Gaurav FAV GM Testimony HB304.docx.pdf JUD
DeLong, Michael Montgomery County Young Democrats FAV MCYD Testimony-Support the Trust Act-House Version JUD
Vaughan, Regan Catholic Charities of Baltimore FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
CC - HB 304 - TRUST Act - FAV.pdf
Mancher, Zach Jews United for Justice FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB304-FAV-Zach Mancher, Jews United for Justice.pd
Lama, Megha Adhikaar FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Follingstad, Susaanti Sanctuary DMV and Maryland Against ICE Detention FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
MDAID - Support Trust Act HB 304.pdf
Wivell, Todd Frederick County Sheriff's Office UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Sugarman, Kate Doctors For Camp Closure and MD Against ICE Detention FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
D4CC - Support Trust Act HB 304.pdf
Rendall, Shari FAIR UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Maryland Sanctuary Testimony Opposing HB 304- Sanc
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV HB0304_Immigration_Enforcement_MLC_FAV.pdf JUD
Botwin, Brad Help Save UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 304 State Sanctuary 2021 (2).pdf
Girdner, Linnie FAV HB304 Trust Act Testimony LG.pdf JUD
Carrington, Darrell Carrington & Associates, LLC FAV CPSR 2021 HB304 participation in federal immigrati
HB 304 State and Local Government Participation in
HB 304 State and Local Government Participation in
Gonzalez, Glenda FAV Annette B hb304.pdf
Dave W Trust testimony.pdf
Flor Garay - Trust testimony HB 304.pdf
Jackie B hb 304.pdf
Karen Siegrist HB304SB88_support.pdf
RISE hb 304.pdf
Tarolyn Thrasher hb 304 testimony.pdf
Geglia, Elizabeth Sanctuary DMV FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SDMV - Support Trust Act HB304.pdf
Kraska, MJ Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference _FAV_HB0304.pdf JUD
Williams, Thomas Maryland State Police UNF Maryland State Police Position Paper HB 304.pdf JUD
Yoder, Daryl FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Mansfield, Andrea Maryland Chiefs of Police and Maryland Sheriffs' Association UNF MCPA-MSA_HB 304 Fed Immigration Enforcement _Oppos JUD
Blank, Pablo FAV Adam Taylor_FAV_HB304.pdf
Alex Kohn_FAV_HB304.pdf
Carla Tevelow_FAV_HB304.pdf
Charlene Belson Zellmer_FAV_HB304.pdf
Eileen Hollander_FAV_HB304.pdf
Mayra Castillo_FAV_HB304.pdf
Perry Beider_FAV_HB304.pdf
Robert Cullen_FAV_HB304.pdf
Stephen Eckstrand_FAV_HB304.pdf
Tammy Spengler_FAV_HB304.pdf
Espana, Sergio ACLU of Maryland FAV 1Carol A HB 304.pdf
1Jane Talarico HB 304.pdf
1Mary Ann HB 304.pdf
1Melissa Alvarez HB304.pdf
Cara Trust testimony HB 304.pdf
End 287g Program in Maryland.pdf
FS Trust testimony HB 304.pdf
Jo Harte Bob Horall HB304.pdf
Karl Bickel HB 304.pdf
Kickenson, Jerry Congregation Action Network FAV Testimony in support of HB0304 - CAN.pdf JUD
Apple, Christopher FAV HB304 Testimony.pdf JUD
Gassama, Haddy UndocuBlack Network FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
MULLICAN, Brigitta Private UNF HB 304 - SB 088.pdf JUD
Beach, Jacqueline FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf JUD
Lloyd, Rianna Jews United for Justice FAV HB304- FAV- Debra Band.pdf
HB304-FAV - Greg Winton.pdf
HB304-FAV - Joanna Silver.pdf
HB304-FAV- Anita Lampel.pdf
HB304-FAV- Ioana Stoica.pdf
HB304-FAV- Jeremy Kridel.pdf
HB304-FAV-Jerry Kickenson.pdf
HB304-FAV-Mark Wolff.pdf
HB304-FAV-Nancy Riess.pdf
HB304-FAV-Toby Ditz.pdf
Miguel-Tanaka, Daishi Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Braganca, Meagan Columbia Democratic Club FAV CDC Testimony Trust Act 2.pdf JUD
Fuller, Deborah UNF PDF Maryland House Bill 304 3.1.21.pdf JUD
Bartlett, Olivia DoTheMostGood FAV HB0304-FAV-DTMG-3-2-21.pdf JUD
Egan, Ashley UULM-MD FAV HB 304- Trust Act-UULM-MD- Robert Cullen.pdf
Support of HB304(SB88) Trust Act-UULM-MD-Jim Caldi
Paul, Ellen UNF HB 304.pdf JUD
Ewing, Hamza CAIR Office in Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Bagwell, Ashlie FAV 2021 JCRC HB 304 State and Local Govt Participatio JUD
Todd, Tamara FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf JUD
Ennis, Ella UNF HB 304 - no cooperation on immigration - OPPOSE.pd JUD
So, Agatha Baltimore Asian Resistance in Solidarity FAV BARS Letter - Trust Act HB0304.pdf JUD
Siri, Michelle The Women's Law Center of Maryland FAV HB 304 - State and Local Government - Participatio JUD
Riedel, Jonathan FAV Ariel M Greenberg_FAV_HB304.pdf
Deborah Rosenfelt_FAV_HB304.pdf
Emily Blank_FAV_HB304.pdf
Helena Benes-Keiser_FAV_HB304.pdf
Loretta Vitale Saks_FAV_HB750.pdf
Lucy Duff_FAV_HB304.pdf
Phyllis Oresky_FAV_HB304.pdf
Rebecca Goldfinger_FAV_HB304.pdf
DeVaul, Antonio Takoma Park Police Department FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Takoma Park - HB 304 FAV - Trust Act.pdf
Berger, Zackary FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Chan, Sam FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Juberg, Arielle FAV HB0304 Written Testimony A Juberg.pdf JUD
Hauck, Barbara SURJ Baltimore FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act BH.pdf JUD
Cantori, Renee FAV HB0304 Trust Act.pdf JUD
Westervelt, Patricia Maryland Department of Transportation UNF HB0304 - MVA - State and Local Govt - Federal Immi JUD
Nash, Katie Energy Advocacy FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 0304 Support.pdf
Waychoff, Amy UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 304 Written:Oral Testimony 3_3_2021.pdf
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Zeimer, Matan Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) FAV HB304-FAV.pdf JUD
Enagonio, Liz Indivisible Central Maryland FAV HB0304_Indivisible Central Maryland_FAV.pdf JUD
Simmons, Christina Showing Up for Racial Justice Baltimore FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf JUD
Mehu, Natasha Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV HB0304-JUD-FAV.pdf JUD
Britt, Adiena N/A FAV HB0304 SB0088 Law Enf ICE.pdf JUD
Shin, Rebecca FAV No Testimony JUD
Witten, Jennifer Maryland Hospital Association FWA HB 304- State and Local Government- Participation JUD
Shapiro, Melanie Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence FAV HB304_MNADV_FAV.pdf JUD
Wilkins, Katherine FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf JUD
Cavanagh, Terry SEIU Maryland & DC State Council FAV SEIU Testimony SUPPORTING HB 304 TRUST Act 0303202 JUD
Lowenthal, Justin Doctors for America FAV Trust Act DFA-Maryland 2021.pdf JUD
Jung, Roy Office of the Attorney General -- Legislative Affairs Unit FAV 2021-03-03 HB 304 (Support in Concept).pdf JUD
Seel, Brian FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.pdf JUD
Holt, Arthur SURJ Baltimore FAV HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf JUD
Murray, Kerriann SURJ FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 304 - Maryland Trust Act.docx.pdf
Green, Linda Mount Rainier Organizing for Racial Equality FAV Testimony in support of HB 304 2021.pdf JUD
McSwain, Darryl FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Little, Rev. Kobi NAACP Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Moon, David FAV HB304 - TRUST Act Support Letter.pdf JUD
Shah, Reena Maryland Access to Justice Commission INFO In Person - Oral Testimony
Faulkner, Rachael Public Policy Partners FAV 2021 NASW HB 304 House Side.pdf JUD
Cocke, Abigail Baltimore for Border Justice FAV HB304 BFBJ Testimony Support Trust.pdf JUD
Arnold, Paulina FAV Clara_Reyes_FAV_HB304.pdf
Claudia Ramos Ardon_FAV_HB304.pdf
Ismenia Bolivar_FAV_HB304.pdf
Lorena Rivas_FAV_HB304.pdf
William Garcia Trejo_FAV_HB304.pdf
Gardner, Adrian Md-National Capital Park and Planning Commission FAV MNCPPC Position Statement - HB 304 SB 88 - State a JUD
Philip, Diana NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland FAV HB0304 MD NARAL SUPPORT.pdf JUD
Gutierrez, Rosa FAV Alice Adoh_FAV_HB304.pdf
Lorena Rivas_FAV_HB304.pdf
Fisher, Wanika FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Fisher_HB304 Testimony.pdf
mcavoy, vince UNF UNfavorable for HB0304.pdf JUD
Caucus, MD Latino FAV HB304_LatinoCaucus_FAV.pdf JUD
Ramirez, Ericka FAV MAREE_FAV_HB304.pdf JUD
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