Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0285 - Family Law - Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training
Judiciary 2/9/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/19/2024 2:42:47 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Atterbeary, Delegate Atterbeary | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JUD | |
Shapiro, Melanie | Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence | UNF | HB 285_MNADV_OPP.pdf | JUD |
Lennig, Dorothy | House of Ruth MD | UNF | HB 285 UNF House of Ruth.pdf | JUD |
mcavoy, vince | UNF |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
JUD | |
Hoyer, Anne | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JUD | |
Pipkin, Matthew | Maryland Judiciary | UNF | hb285.pdf | JUD |
Villamar, Maria Nenutzka | Office of the Public Defender | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony OPD Testimony on HB 285 Child Custody Evaluators c |
aichenbaum, Yaakov | PAS-Intervention MD Chapter | FWA | PAS-Intervention statement on SB13.pdf | JUD |
Savage, Pat | Maryland Psychological Association | FWA | MPA Testimony 2023 - Support with Amendment - HB 2 | JUD |
Elliott, Robyn | FAV | 2023 LCPCM HB 285 House Side FAV.pdf | JUD | |
Elliott, Robyn | FWA | 2023 MNA HB 285 House Side FWA.pdf | JUD | |
Jordan, Lisae C | Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) | FAV | No Testimony | JUD |
Griffin, Paul | Child Justice, Inc. (non-profit org) | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2023_02_07_HB 285 CJI Support Statement - Final.pd |
Remington, Claudia | Claudia M Remington | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Eyler, Judge Deborah | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JUD | |
Dumais, Judge Kathleen | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
JUD | |
Araquette, Michele | Unstoppable: A Parental Alienation Support Group | FWA |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
Krone, Christine | INFO | HB0285_LOI_MdCSWC_Family Law - Custody Evaluators | JUD | |
Parvis, Lindsay | Family & Juvenile Law Section - MSBA | UNF | HB 285_FJLSC_unf.pdf | JUD |
Krawczyk, Laurie | FWA |
Virtual - Oral Testimony HB0285_Krawczyk_Favorable with Amendments.pdf |
JUD | |
Tompsett, Thomas | Harris Jones & Malone | UNF | HB 285 - Oppose - MPS WPS.pdf | JUD |
Ruth, Laure | Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc. | UNF | HB 285 - UNF - Women's Law Center of Maryland.pdf | JUD |
Schagrin, judith | FAV | CPMC HB 285 - Custody Evaluators Training - Suppor | JUD |