Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0256 - Maryland Estate Tax - Unified Credit
Ways and Means 2/12/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/17/2025 2:06:14 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Wilkins, Delegate Wilkins | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony The Maryland House of Delegates (1) |
W&M | |
Harris, Dr. Khalilah | Center on American Progress | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |
Das, Kamolika | ITEP | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |
Orr, Benjamin | Maryland Center on Economic Policy | FAV | HB 256_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV | W&M |
Schumitz, Kali | Maryland Fair Funding Coalition | FAV | HB 256_Fair Funding Coalition_FAV | W&M |
Zinsmeister, Robert | Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. | UNF | HB256_ABC_Written | W&M |
Malone, Sean | Associated Builders and Contractors | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M |
francaviglia, Joe | strong schools maryland | FAV | HB256 | W&M |
O'HALLORAN, MIKE | NFIB | UNF | No Testimony | W&M |
zwerling, samantha | msea | FAV | HB 256 Written | W&M |
Swanson, Tricia | Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce | UNF | HB 256 c of c20200212115010 | W&M |
Bogdan, Henry | Maryland Nonprofits | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |
Gardiner, Shamoyia | ACY | FAV | HB 256_Unified Estate Tax_Support_Gardiner_ACY | W&M |
Cavanagh, Terry | SEIU MARYLAND STATE COUNCIL | FAV | Testimony in Support of HB 256 Estate Tax 02122020 | W&M |
wilkins, jheanelle | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Edwards, Donna | MD DC AFL-CIOI | FAV | HB 256 - MDDCAFLCIO - FAV | W&M |
Castelli, Bill | Md Realtors | UNF | HB 256_UNF_REALTORS | W&M |
mitchell, theresa | FAV | HB 256 FAV (1) (1) | W&M |