Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0176 - Local Public Campaign Financing - Expansion to Additional Offices
Ways and Means 1/31/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/22/2025 5:25:02 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Feldmark, Delegate Feldmark | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Sirkel, Robin | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Willey, Amy | Individual | UNF | No Testimony | W&M |
Soreng, Nancy | FAV | HB 176 Local Public Campaign Financing - Expansion | W&M | |
Lee, Mickey | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
sirkel, jess | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Smith, Greg | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Diefenbach, Linda | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Norling, Richard | MD Sierra Club | FAV | HB176_MDSierraClub_fav - 31Jan2023.pdf | W&M |
Vernon, Michael | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Love, William | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Diefenbach, Klaus | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Drayton, Morgan | Common Cause MD | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 176 - Local Public Campaign Finance - Expansion |
W&M |
Tucker, Kevin | Maryland Clerk’s Association | UNF | Testimony in Opposition of HB0176 from 2023 Legisl | W&M |
Scarr, Emily | Maryland PIRG | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB176_FAV_EmilyScarr_MarylandPIRG_LocalFE (1).pdf |
W&M |
D’Orazio , Daniela | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Pedersen, Stacy | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Williams, Peggy | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Elbourn, James | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Kinnally, Kevin | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0176-WM_MACo_SUP.pdf |
W&M |
Katz, Janet | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB0176 Local Public Campaign Financing.pdf | W&M |
Noveau, Barbara | DoTheMostGood | FAV | DTMG Testimony HB0176 Local Public Campaign Financ | W&M |
Lang, Alan | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Schulze, Dana | USAF Veteran | INFO |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M |
Lang, Kevin | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Aiosa, Jennifer | FAV | HB176 | W&M | |
AIOSA, Jennifer | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |