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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0154 - Workgroup to Study the Impact of Court-Mandated Fines and Fees

Judiciary 1/25/2023 2:30:00 PM
As of: 9/11/2024 7:15:53 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Wells, Delegate Wells FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kemerer, Hannibal Office of Attorney General FAV 2023-01-25 HB 154 (Support).pdf JUD
Fink, Nelda FWA HB0154WorkgroupOnFinesFavWAmend.pdf JUD
Pipkin, Matthew Maryland Judiciary UNF hb154.pdf JUD
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV No Testimony JUD
Haven, Kimberly FAV HB 154 Workgroup Fines Fees.IAHR. 2023.pdf JUD
Grandpre, Lawrence Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Martinez, Roberto Maryland Office of the Public Defender FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
HB 154 Workgroup to Study the Impact of Court-Mand
McDermott, Meaghan Maryland Legal Aid FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB154- Maryland Legal Aid- FAV.pdf
Jones , Priya Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC) FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Final FFJC Testimony Maryland HB 154.docx (1).pd
Schneiderman, Franz Consumer Auto FAV testimony2023hb154.pdf JUD
Hilliard, Elizabeth Maryland Office of the Public Defender FAV HB 154 Fav MOPD.pdf JUD
Jefferson , Stacey Marylanders Against Poverty FAV HB 154_MAP_FAV.pdf JUD
Emerson, Jessica The Human Trafficking Prevention Project FAV HTPP HB 154 Testimony- FAV (FINAL).pdf JUD
Dews, Christopher JOTF FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Arreaza, Leo FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB154- Workgroup to Study the Impact of Court-Mand
Stoica, Ioana Job Opportunities Task Force FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB0154 FAV JOTF - Workgroup to Study the Impact of
Hanson, Nicole Out for Justice FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Brown, Gregory ACLU of Maryland FAV HB154 Testimony Final.pdf JUD
Lang, Kevin UNF No Testimony JUD
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV HB 154_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf JUD
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