Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0040 - Places of Public Accommodation and Public Buildings - Gender-Inclusive Signage
Economic Matters 2/8/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/7/2024 8:19:05 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Solomon, Delegate Solomon | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ECM | |
Jasen, Debi | FAV | No Testimony | ECM | |
Smith, Chris | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Williams, Peggy | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Diefenbach, Linda | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Thomas, Derek | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Pedersen, Stacy | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Diefenbach, Klaus | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Lee, Mickey | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Glanz, Julia | City of Salisbury | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony Julia HB40 Testimony.pdf |
West, Derek | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Snyder, Abigail | Baltimore Jewish Council | FAV | HB40- Bathroom Bill Testimony.pdf | ECM |
Sirkel, Robin | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Thompson, Melvin | Restaurant Association of Maryland | INFO | HB 40_RestaurantAssoc_Thompson_INFO.pdf | ECM |
Siri, Michelle | The Women's Law Center of Maryland | FAV | HB 40 - WLCMD - FAV.pdf | ECM |
Willey, Amy | Individual | UNF | No Testimony | ECM |
Atkins, Robert | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Elbourn, James | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
sirkel, jess | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Rice, Mat | FAV | POG Final Testimony HB 40.pdf | ECM | |
D’Orazio , Daniela | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Rigby, Christiana | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony HB 40_Rigby_Fav.pdf |
ECM | |
Zakreski, Ed | Round House Theatre | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB40-Zakreski-fav.pdf |
Doan, Kurt | Harford Community College | FAV | UCBPride Testimony on House Bill 0040.pdf | ECM |
Richardson, Allan | self | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 40_Richardson_FAV (1).pdf |
Solomon, Jared | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB40_Solomon_FAV.pdf |
ECM | |
Kasemeyer, Pam | FAV | HB0040_FAV_City of Rockville_Places Pub. Accomodat | ECM | |
Schulze, Dana | USAF Veteran | UNF | HB 040 LGBTQ signs.pdf | ECM |
Paliath, Tracey | MACS | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Howell, Laura | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 40_DDCoalition_Howell_FAV.pdf |
ECM | |
Parts, Chris | AIA Maryland, Inc. | FAV | HB 0040 AIAMD Ltr of Support.pdf | ECM |
van Stone, Maureen | Kennedy Krieger Institute | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB40_GenderInclusiveBathroom_KennedyKrieger_Suppor |
mcavoy, vince | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Katz, Janet | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Progressive Caucus, Lower Shore | Lower Shore Progressive Caucus | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Elliott, Robyn | FAV | 2023 PPM HB 40 House Side FAV.docx.pdf | ECM | |
Blinder , Lee | Trans Maryland | FAV | Support HB 0040 - Trans Maryland.pdf | ECM |
Ditraglia, Frank | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Fink, Nelda | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Kolakoski, Virginia | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Russell, Brandon | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony HB40 Testimony.pdf |
ECM | |
Greenberg, Joshua | Baltimore County | FAV | BaltimoreCounty_FAV_HB0040.pdf | ECM |
Alexandeer, Jamie Grace | Freestate Justice | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Bradley, Kyle | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Hollywood, Nicole | FAV | Gender Inclusive Signage for Single Occupancy Rest | ECM | |
Rogers, Dorien | Maryland Youth and College Division NAACP | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony Letter_ Gender Neutral Bathrooms PDF.pdf |
a, a | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2018 Maryland International Plumbing Code -Section Olooney-ExcessiveRestrooms-230128.pdf |
ECM | |
Benhoff, Jean | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Lang, Alan | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
KIJESKY, CRYSTAL | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Lang, Kevin | UNF | No Testimony | ECM |