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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0024 - Department of the Environment - Environmental Justice Evaluation of Environmental Permit Applications

Environment and Transportation 2/21/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/12/2025 2:43:40 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Boyce, Delegate Boyce FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Simon, Robert Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home FWA HB 24_Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home_FWA.p ENT
Arndt, Dave FWA HB0024_Environmental Permits Testimony Favorable.p ENT
Volpitta, Alice Blue Water Baltimore FWA HB24 testimony favorable w amendments.pdf ENT
Elaine, Arndt SELF FWA No Testimony ENT
Porter, Phylicia Baltimore City Council District 10 UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Wilkinson, nanci Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Environmental Justice Ministry FAV No Testimony ENT
Sonu | or Representative or AdminChair Kamita Gray, Karyn Brandywine | TB Southern Region Neighborhood Coalition / Executive Community Citizen's Board (ECCB) UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
HB24_BTB Coalition_UNF
Coronado Flores, Jose CASA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Wilson, Sacoby University of Maryland UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Payan, Maria Sentinels of Eastern Shore Health UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Cross, Cashenna NAACP FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
Gallagher, George ICQ UNF No Testimony ENT
Benjaminson, Heather UNF No Testimony ENT
Allen, Susan FAV No Testimony ENT
Clark, Rachel Evans & Associates, LLC UNF HB 24_MAA_UNF.pdf
Vernon, Michael UNF No Testimony ENT
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FWA HB0024_Environmental Permits_Environ Transp_CJW FA ENT
Atkins, Robert UNF No Testimony ENT
Rose, Jodi Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
HB0024 Testimony - IPC Final.pdf
DOrazio, Peter Year UNF No Testimony ENT
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP Year FAV Testimony in support of HB0024.pdf ENT
Kickenson, Jerry FAV Testimony in favor of HB24.pdf ENT
mcavoy, vince UNF No Testimony ENT
N/A, Maryland Health Professionals for Healthy Climate Maryland Health Professionals for Healthy Climate FWA HB 24 February 21 FWA_Health Professionals for a H ENT
Enten, Robert Maryland Multi-Housing Assoc FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony ENT
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony ENT
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV No Testimony ENT
Ditraglia, Frank UNF No Testimony ENT
Stegman, Matt Chesapeake Bay Foundation FWA HB 24 - CBF - FWA.pdf ENT
Phelps, Mary UNF No Testimony ENT
Hough, Tyler Maryland Farm Bureau INFO Informational – HB0024 -Environment - Impact of En ENT
Love, William UNF No Testimony ENT
Boyce, Regina T. FWA (SPONSOR AMENDMENTS) HB24FinalReprint.pdf ENT
Diefenbach, Linda UNF No Testimony ENT
Ballentine, Tom NAIOP Maryland UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB024 - Impact of Environmental Permits - State Ag
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV HB0024_Impact_of_Environmental_Permits_MLC_FAV.pdf ENT
Middleton, Grayson Delmarva Chicken Association UNF HB 24 - Enviornmental Justice Permitting - Oppose. ENT
Feighner, Liz Less Plastic Please FWA No Testimony ENT
Demiray, Sonia Climate Communications Coalition UNF PERMITS TestimonyHB0024.pdf ENT
Feighner, Liz FWA No Testimony ENT
Hunter, Casey League of Women Voters of Maryland FAV HB 24_LWVMD_FAV.pdf ENT
Bartlett, Olivia DoTheMostGood FAV No Testimony ENT
Ross, Gabrielle Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs (CCAIC) UNF CCAIC MD Ej bill.pdf ENT
Riedel, Jonathan CASA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Sirkel, Robin UNF No Testimony ENT
Dunning, Bryan Center for Progressive Reform FWA HB 24 Testimony from the Center for Progressive Re ENT
Clark, Tiffany Office of the Attorney General FAV 2024-02-21 HB 24 (Support).pdf ENT
Rehr, Rebecca Maryland League of Conservation Voters FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 24 MDE Permitting Maryland LCV Fact Sheet One P
HB 24 MDLCV Favorable with Amendment - Environment
MDE Permitting_HB 24_Maryland LCV Detailed Memo.pd
DuBois, Gwen Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility FWA hb24.pdf ENT
Sharif, Humna The Nature Conservancy FWA HB 24 Environment - Impact of Environmental Permit ENT
Lyons Wooten, JoAnne Maryland Poor People's Campaign FAV No Testimony ENT
Allen, Hannah Maryland Chamber of Commerce INFO HB 24_MDCC_Environment - Impact of Environmental P ENT
Klase, Anne Pepco/DPL INFO 2024 - HB24- PHI-- LOI.pdf ENT
Shriner, Mariah Sierra Club Maryland Chapter FWA HB24_MDSierraClub_swa 21February2024.pdf ENT
Caplan, Jason FAV 1 - HB 24 - E&T - MDH - LOS_.pdf ENT
Graf, Lori Maryland Building Industry Association FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
MBIA Letter Support with Amendment HB24.pdf
Novey, Joelle Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVa) FWA IPL-DMV Written Testimony for HB 24.docx.pdf ENT
sirkel, jess UNF No Testimony ENT
Nicholas, Betsy Potomac Riverkeeper Network FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Final Testimony HB24 MD EJ Permitting.docx (1).pdf
Ranson, Emily UNF Mid-AtlanticJusticeCoalitionMD_HB24_Oppose.pdf ENT
Sawtell, Gregory UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Reed, Dytonia BGE INFO BGE _House Bill 24_LOI_ECM_ET_ Impact of Environme ENT
Egan, Ashley UULM-MD FAV Testimony - HB 24 Permits and State Agency - Favor ENT
Kelly, Leah Environmental Integrity Project INFO Final Testimony.pdf ENT
Knapp, Les Maryland Department of the Environment FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 24 MDE SWA.pdf
Arshavsky, Svetlana UNF No Testimony ENT
Vetter, Drew NWRA UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Agarin, Ufoma O. Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland FAV HB_24_FAV_LateTestimony_LegislativeBlackCaucus ENT
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-23-2024 at 1223 PM ENT
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