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Health And Government Operations Committee, Chair

Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0164 /CH0084
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Regulatory Authority - Permit and Licensing Renewals and Building Plan Reviews
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0359 /CH0614
Militia - Maryland Defense Force - Enlistment Period
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0360 /CH0106
Health Insurance - Repeal of Obsolete Provisions of Law
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0361 /CH0368
Health Insurance - Conformity with and Implementation of Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0401 /CH0112
Military Department - Powers of the Adjutant General - Summary Courts-Martial
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0724 /CH0385
Insurance - Risk Based Capital Standards - Fraternal Benefit Societies and Life Insurers
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1390 /CH0681
Maryland Veterans Trust and Fund - Establishment
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Departmental
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1096 /CH0401 (SB0672)
State Board of Physicians and Allied Health Advisory Committees - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Other
6 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1348 /CH0680
Maryland Program Evaluation Act - Revisions and Clarifications
Sponsorship Type
By Request - Other
6 2
Title Sponsorship Type Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort Current Status Org Committees & Hearings Opp Committees & Hearings
HB0164 /CH0084 Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Regulatory Authority - Permit and Licensing Renewals and Building Plan Reviews By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 84
Health and Government Operations
1/31/2013 - 1:00 PM
3/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB0359 /CH0614 Militia - Maryland Defense Force - Enlistment Period By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 614
Health and Government Operations
2/07/2013 - 1:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
3/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB0360 /CH0106 Health Insurance - Repeal of Obsolete Provisions of Law By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 106
Health and Government Operations
2/13/2013 - 1:00 PM
3/28/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB0361 /CH0368 Health Insurance - Conformity with and Implementation of Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 368
Health and Government Operations
2/13/2013 - 1:00 PM
3/28/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB0401 /CH0112 Military Department - Powers of the Adjutant General - Summary Courts-Martial By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 112
Health and Government Operations
2/07/2013 - 1:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
3/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB0724 /CH0385 Insurance - Risk Based Capital Standards - Fraternal Benefit Societies and Life Insurers By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 385
Health and Government Operations
2/21/2013 - 1:00 PM
3/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB1390 /CH0681 Maryland Veterans Trust and Fund - Establishment By Request - Departmental 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 681
Health and Government Operations
3/28/2013 - 1:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
4/05/2013 - 1:00 PM
HB1096 /CH0401 (SB0672) State Board of Physicians and Allied Health Advisory Committees - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation By Request - Other 6 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 401
Health and Government Operations
2/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
HB1348 /CH0680 Maryland Program Evaluation Act - Revisions and Clarifications By Request - Other 6 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 680
Health and Government Operations
3/27/2013 - 1:00 PM
Economic Matters
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
Denotes enacted legislation
Last Updated: 10/15/2019 3:26 PM
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