- Title
- Department of Transportation - Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response (See Someone, Save Someone Act)
- Sponsored by
- Delegates Ebersole, Allen, Attar, Atterbeary, Bagnall, Boyce, Fair, Foley, Guyton, Hill, Hinebaugh, Kaufman, McCaskill, Pasteur, Pena-Melnyk, Pruski, Ruth, Solomon, Terrasa, Toles, Woods, Wu, and Ziegler
- Status
- In the Senate - Reassigned to Judicial Proceedings
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)
Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation to develop and implement a certain training program for certain transportation-sector employees on the identification and reporting of human trafficking victims; requiring, by January 1, 2025, and each January 1 thereafter, employers to certify that all their employees have completed the training; requiring employers to provide a new employee with the required training within 90 days after the date of hire; requiring employers to establish certain reporting procedures; etc.
- Opposite:
- Judicial Proceedings
Committee Testimony
Introduced in a prior session as: HB1053 Session: 2023 Regular Session
Bill File Type: Pre-Filed
Effective Date(s): October 1, 2024
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10-208.1, 10-404
2-113 )
Last Updated: 4/15/2024 2:25 PM