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Statutes Text

Article - Health - General


    (a)    (1)    A registered nurse practitioner or a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State may prescribe auto–injectable epinephrine in the name of a certificate holder.

        (2)    A registered nurse practitioner, a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in the State, or a physician may dispense auto–injectable epinephrine under a prescription issued to a certificate holder.

    (b)    A certificate holder may:

        (1)    On presentment of a certificate, receive from any registered nurse practitioner or any physician licensed to practice medicine in the State a prescription for auto–injectable epinephrine and the necessary paraphernalia for the administration of auto–injectable epinephrine; and

        (2)    Possess and store prescribed auto–injectable epinephrine and the necessary paraphernalia for the administration of auto–injectable epinephrine.

    (c)    In an emergency situation when registered nurse practitioner, physician, or emergency medical services are not immediately available, a certificate holder or agent may administer auto–injectable epinephrine to an individual who is experiencing or believed in good faith by the certificate holder or agent to be experiencing anaphylaxis.

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