Statutes Text
Article - Education
(a) (1) An institution of higher education may request to establish a program that leads to certification or licensure in school leadership, including to be an assistant principal, licensed principal, or distinguished principal.
(2) The institution of higher education making a request under this subsection shall present evidence to the Commission that the program will evaluate candidates based on their potential to be effective school leaders, including by reviewing evidence that the candidate:
(i) Has a record of successful teaching; and
(ii) Has performed well in teacher leadership roles.
(b) (1) An institution of higher education may request to establish a program that offers graduate level courses in school administration for continuing certification.
(2) The institution of higher education making the request under this subsection shall present evidence to the Commission that the program’s curriculum will enable graduates to:
(i) Successfully organize and manage schools and school systems;
(ii) Manage highly skilled professionals working in a modern professional work environment; and
(iii) Effectively conduct peer observation and evaluation of other school personnel.